1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session septemb 3 1977" AND stemmed:ruburt)
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
Give us a moment.... As to Ruburt: the relationships between his bodily parts are being corrected. I am not speaking of stance here, but of those invisible relationships mentioned earlier, for he felt earlier as if he were literally a self divided, so that one part shouted discipline, and one shouted spontaneity. One shouted go ahead, one shouted slow down, be cautious, and these feelings of separateness were reflected in the body.
There have been considerable changes even since our last session, and I hope you have noted them. Feelings and emotion caused tensions under certain conditions that are not necessarily physically apparent, but that change the body. In your terms the body grows in time. So do beliefs. Ruburt is completely changing emotional and intellectual beliefs of long standing. His poor mobility did not exist alone, but reached back to an archaeology, say, of beliefs that affected his sinuses, jaw pressure, and so forth.
That archaeology is winding backward. The body is making excellent progress in an overall way. He goes through new stances quickly now. Even the smallest alteration of stance and muscular attitude affects the eyes. A child’s eye level is a tabletop. Ruburt got along well looking straight in front of him. The visual area is enlarging. The jaw pressures are constantly being minimized. This also requires changes in the eyes.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
You have changed your own beliefs. This is reflected in your household, but you did not have Ruburt’s backlog, so to speak. Your table (pointing) is an excellent idea. The further changes in his position will take place far easier. Reinforce that idea of safety, and comfort him, as you have.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
I mention some things again and again, so you do not have to go back to old sessions, though you should occasionally. Then let Ruburt encourage his spontaneity. He will find himself writing well—inspired, with time for new work and typing manuscripts, with periods of relaxation and ambition.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]