1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session septemb 24 1977" AND stemmed:aspect)
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
In Framework 2 in your terms, time is foreshortened, and work is done there in a flash, so to speak. Some time may be involved physically for the materialization, but in usual terms the foreshortening effect can be quite startling, for time is affected and used in an entirely different fashion. The ideas for Aspects, Politics, and the entire library experience germinated one evening in a flash of inspiration just before the flood (in June 1972).
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(This afternoon Jane had received a call from Larry Davidson in San Francisco. He wanted her agreement to an interview next Saturday at 3 PM, for a radio show about science fiction, for half an hour. Jane agreed. Larry mentioned Chestnut Beads, and told Jane that her novel is still well-known, at least in the Bay area. It’s also become something of a symbol for aspects of the feminist, or women’s liberation, movement, he said—something Jane was quite surprised to hear.)
[... 44 paragraphs ...]