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TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977 13/53 (25%) impediments Framework financial accelerated merged
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session September 19, 1977 9:22 PM Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: Ruburt has been looking through some old papers, and it became obvious that over a period of time his journals show two main concerns—or, rather, main interests and goals: his writing and his attempts “to get better.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Oftentimes he was not sure what his next book would be, but overall he never doubted there would be a next book. He did not imagine impediments that might rise to prevent a next book being written—nor did he doubt his ability to write one, or any number of books. At times he might think of writing in one area or another, but his imagination did not set up barriers: it was always receptive to new ideas, casting about for new experiences, consciously involved in the process of creativity.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

He creates impediments then as in the other area he creates success. To a lesser extent this applies to your own approach also. Creativity is involved. Let us look then at the third area, for at one time you both also to some extent imagined impediments, changed your approach, and found new results. That area is the financial one, that indeed does now seem to come with an almost magical ease.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

There is, incidentally, a Framework 3 and a Framework 4, in the terms of our discussion—but all such labels are, again, only for the sake of explanation. The realities are merged. A brief point (with some humor): When you moved here you wanted to make “a fashion statement” as per your television commercials, where the gentlemen only cut hair. You are more knowledgeable now, but at the time Ruburt did restrict his abilities, pull in his horns, and to some extent with your implied consent. Those in the neighborhood would know you were not to be bothered. You did not go out to parties. You were, generally speaking, to be left alone.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Frank represents your belief that you must hold on to someone at least medically oriented, if unconventionally so, in Framework 1—a needed crutch, and he has been of some help. He has also however reinforced your conventional beliefs that muscles and joints must behave thus-and-so, that so much time must pass for such processes to take place; he helped you set up a situation that served handily, for you could not leave Framework 1, nor yet really accept wholeheartedly Framework 2.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

The actual time involved in that experience was minute. In a way—underlined twice—that kind of time use represents the kind of threshold I use in my communications in sessions. If you followed Framework 1’s beliefs, the sessions would never have begun.

(Pause.) I am trying to think of an analogy.... That experience of Ruburt’s in time terms would be like a concentrated time pill: there are pills you take that are released in timed sequences. So everything I am saying, in a manner of speaking, was made possible in that experience. In the time framework of Framework 1, the time period could not contain such accelerated mental or psychic motion, so it appears in your terms of time during our continuous session. My personality could not be “defined” or contained within that initial experience either—so you see, strung out through the years, what in other terms I “said,” or “was,” at the time of Ruburt’s idea construction experience.

Yet I responded to your experience of the continuing days, so often the sessions reflect “current happening.” In the terms of the discussion, and with the terminology I am using, my level of existence is simply such that I can move through time by taking advantage of levels of activity that are too fast or slow for you to follow. They appear to me as patterns that I can put together as I wish.

This does not mean that I have a free hand, or that I can impose patterns upon others. Time has a thickness, however, that you do not perceive. Probabilities are a part of time in those terms.

Probabilities are valid time terminals. Ruburt’s accelerated state at that “time” led him to a threshold of experience that could be translated into Framework 1, but could not be sustained here in terms of ordinary behavior. The bridge personality was a psychological result, appearing in time, yet apart from it. Framework 2, however, is quite familiar to you, as stated, in your creative work, and most other areas of your lives, including your own physical experience of your body.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It takes physical time to write a book, so some physical time must be allowed for the normal behavior of Ruburt’s body. The book is being created, however, before it appears, and in an easy manner. This is what can happen as far as Ruburt’s body is concerned: forget what you think the body can or cannot do. Forget the details that you think must happen before Ruburt can walk properly. Follow my suggestions, and know that the necessary work is being done completely outside of physical time, so that improvements can occur of a significant nature without any particular conventional expected processes that must first occur.

Our sessions came from outside of time in that fashion. So do Ruburt’s books. So did your home. So did your existence—and so can Ruburt’s flexibility. Again, I will see that you do have help in Framework 2, and in the dream state.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(At break tonight I’d explained to Jane that I still thought the 14th session contained some excellent material on Seth’s awareness of “something resembling time” to him—and that it was “still a reality of some kind” to him. I’m in the process of quoting passages from the 14th session, held in January, 1964, in Appendix 18, as I write it for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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