1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session septemb 19 1977" AND stemmed:energi)
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In Framework 2, extranatural help, energy, impetus, and knowledge are “naturally” available. This should be apparent from the very fact of our sessions and from the nature of Ruburt’s writing. In Framework 2, then, the same kind of extraordinary help is available in terms of physical condition. That help is blocked, if in Framework 1 you constantly imagine impediments or concentrate upon past poor performance, or project such performance into the future.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
By way of comment, and in reference to this discussion only, without taking other issues into consideration, your own parents for example operated largely in Framework 1 for their entire lives. In portions of our work and your own, you have sometimes operated in Framework 3. Ruburt’s initial Idea Construction experience momentarily propelled him into Framework 4, where indeed enough energy, creativity, and power was generated to change his life beneficially, and open his mind to higher levels of understanding and knowledge.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]