1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session septemb 19 1977" AND stemmed:block)
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In Framework 2, extranatural help, energy, impetus, and knowledge are “naturally” available. This should be apparent from the very fact of our sessions and from the nature of Ruburt’s writing. In Framework 2, then, the same kind of extraordinary help is available in terms of physical condition. That help is blocked, if in Framework 1 you constantly imagine impediments or concentrate upon past poor performance, or project such performance into the future.
In a manner of speaking, then, supernatural help is available, but only when your own beliefs are clear enough so that the help is not blocked. By supernatural I mean the source from which nature springs, and Framework 2 represents the medium in which the natural and the source of the natural merge in a creative gestalt. That gestalt forms your physical being. Nature, without nature’s source, would not last a moment.
In Ruburt’s dream last night, he was dancing. His physical body carries that memory. The actual muscles involved were rehearsing. The dream in Framework 2 is as much a definite plan for a normally walking body as any Oversoul Seven that did result in the book. The original Seven did come from a dream, from a drama occurring in Framework 2—but there were no negative beliefs to block it, no habits of erecting impediments. Other dreams of Ruburt’s health did not materialize because their creativity was blocked by an insistence upon following, in that regard, the most limiting of Framework 1’s premises.
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