1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 31 1977" AND stemmed:ruburt)

TPS4 Deleted Session October 31, 1977 12/41 (29%) Cézanne firewalker Trafzer Waldo Framework
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 31, 1977 9:40 PM Monday

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now: this analogy holds only so far, yet the firewalker’s performance can in a way be compared with Ruburt’s writing and psychic performance.

The man not only walks, but he walks on fire—to most, a seeming impossibility. It seems to Ruburt that the firewalker must have an instant rapport with Framework 2, that Ruburt does not possess. Ruburt is in fact in constant rapport with Framework 2 when he is writing or psychically involved, and often he has contacts with other frameworks also.

If he is considering his own personal situation, however, let him remember that the firewalker utterly believes in his ability. He does not worry that he will be burned. He walks on coals as automatically as Ruburt writes, or speaks for me. His feet are not burned simply because he has faith that they will not be. The performance is evidence of the fact that beliefs have a far greater effect upon the body and its capacities than is anywhere seriously considered. The man’s focus is there, as Ruburt focuses in his work. He has learned to focus faith in a highly specialized fashion, and has built up a backlog in that area.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The firewalker’s performance involves one overall clear-cut performance, in which faith has already been achieved, as in Ruburt’s writing, say. In the case of Ruburt’s physical situation, the response from Framework 2 has been immediate. The conscious mind is not able to follow the pieces of the puzzle, so to speak, as it is being put together. A sensation here, another one there, a pull of tendons, a sudden softening of tissue—such matters cannot be consciously interpreted. The response has not been complete, but it has been immediate.

(9:58.) Give us a moment.... I do not want Ruburt to try too hard, but I do want to explain the characteristics of Framework 2 as they interwork with your world.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Frank’s experience concerning his brother is a case in point. His brother did not know that the urban renewal gentleman was in that particular restaurant where the two might meet, and until the meeting did occur nothing showed in Framework 1, though much was occurring in Framework 2. The creative potential knows exactly what changes must occur in Ruburt’s body so that he can walk normally. It also knows what changes must occur in his mind—what conflicts must be resolved, and all of this is being taken care of. The process of his complete recovery includes body events and other events that may seem to have no connection—events perhaps that will change an attitude here or a belief there.

Your lack of knowledge can lead you to insist upon your own ideas of what must occur, or how or when. All of those people who might in any way help Ruburt change certain beliefs, for example, are notified in Framework 2, so that the most auspicious psychological events occur, triggering further body releases.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Give us a moment.... Ruburt, you see, does not say “I must have a certain new book next week.” He is so sure of his ability that he produces far more books in any given time than the majority of writers. Only his doubts lead him to worry that recovery might take too long. The recovery is taking place now in Framework 2. The now is important.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

His inspiration comes now from all of history, and from that larger reservoir he forms the new focus of his art. It was his secondary interest in writing, largely unexpressed in life, that formed some connective between he and Ruburt.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All portions of Ruburt’s body are gently and almost constantly being stretched and then exercised in the best possible order. He is able to walk in the meantime. The constant activity however prepares the body for normal walking, and exercises necessary portions, then stretches them further, so that while Ruburt is not walking more noticeably upright, he is indeed taller, particularly when standing; different portions are exercised when he is sitting or standing, so that each change can be counted upon for the next alteration in posture.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Remember that the organizations in Framework 2 are different than your own, so you cannot know the means, but trust they will be taken care of. The statement and release of desire is all-important, and some psychological activity on Ruburt’s part has already occurred lately, that will be very important here.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt’s desire to walk normally for that matter comes from Framework 2, for it is a natural desire, in harmony with his basic being, that would flow into actuality on its own—had he not put impeding beliefs and contradictions in the way, so that the desire itself was buried beneath, say, debris.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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