1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 31 1977" AND stemmed:art)
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(1. Was there any connection between Jane’s Cézanne, and the New York City Cézanne show appearing at practically the same time? Did this have Framework 2 connotations? Both projects had been underway for a long time before surfacing to the public. See the note about William Rubin and the Museum of Modern Art, at the start of the last session.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
The Cézanne book, the show, your own interest in Cézanne, and your own painting abilities are also connected in Framework 2, along with the fact that Cézanne himself had a secondary interest in writing, that fell by the board, so to speak. Your own art interests have always attracted artists to our books in general, through Framework 2’s constant communication. There are individuals who go through many lifetimes with one main interest or desire, attaining finally a culmination that they have sought for. Cézanne was such a one. In those terms, his interests are now the same, but he no longer looks upon his historically known works, but considers them as background pieces, so to speak. He paints in another reality to which his own intent has led him, except that his creativity has opened up so that he no longer feels the same need for isolation.
His inspiration comes now from all of history, and from that larger reservoir he forms the new focus of his art. It was his secondary interest in writing, largely unexpressed in life, that formed some connective between he and Ruburt.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]