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TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 11/48 (23%) ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 29, 1977 9:54 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Several times during the last week I’d mentioned to Jane that we should get more information from Seth on her eyes—insisting upon more specific reasons why they were so protuberant. Most of the time we felt that her eyes were healing themselves, since often now she would be able to see with great clarity at various distances even better than with her glasses. Tonight I found out that Jane too had been dunning Seth—but mentally—about more on her eyes. Now she became rather upset as we both voiced our opinions just before the session, and this probably contributed to the later start of the session. But I still thought it very strange for the eyes to cause problems if the body was in the process of healing itself, as Seth has so often said recently is the case. Why should another part suffer? I was ready to admit that the body could repair itself in ways that might be mysterious to us, but at the same time I certainly wanted additional reassurances from Seth that we were doing the right thing in going along with his information. I also realized that Jane’s quite unique set of symptoms might lead to effects as they released that we’d certainly be unprepared for.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Improvements could occur, and did, but at one time or another the portions of the body had to begin to break away from the overall blocked picture. Spontaneity had to be allowed if any normality of motion was to occur. You did not want a body in the same position, simply moving faster, for example. Therefore in the late months the various ligaments and muscles, and tendons began to loosen.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The neck ligaments, as mentioned, and the jaw area were particularly involved. Ruburt had some habits he was only vaguely aware of. He used to close his eyes tightly, often, when he sat down, tensing the knee ligaments and the eyes at the same time. This was because the knees hurt. In another learned response he did not look sideways. When he reached for something to the side he reached like this: his eyes did not follow the motion.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

In your joint creativity, you sustained each other’s faith through the years. You gave your desire freedom, and you believed in it. That belief dissolved impediments that lay in your way—even some you did not recognize—attitudes, for example, that you had but did not see were detrimental. You were not driven by fear, but desire, not by doubts but by hope and faith. You did not project failure into the future, but success. Overall, these last few weeks you have done well. Ruburt has noted sometimes a worry and lack of faith, and so have you. But those times are now becoming—becoming the exception rather than the rule, and before them the opposite applied.

On occasions that you barely recognize, one of you has been in a doubting mood while the other was in a mood of faith, picked this up, and was able to change the situation also for the one who felt doubtful. Both of you at different times operated that way for the other, scarcely noticing.

It is Ruburt of course whose moods are more noticeable, but he still should feel free to discuss his fears with you when he is in a poor mood. For even if you are not filled with faith at such times, you can usually recognize that his fears are exaggerated rather than realistic, even in those terms.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment.... If his knees could see, they would also be disoriented. (A great line.) The fear of the situation does not help, of course, for any such tension holds back the relaxing process—and the eyes are relaxing, and the neck and tendons, for example, letting go. Often at times when his vision is disorienting, that activity however also results in the better focus in reading that is coming about. Usually it is changes in focus that are involved. He will be reading fairly well, then perhaps look up at the television set, following motion of the screen, and then it will take time again—a few moments, perhaps before he reads well again. Or he will be reading well and look up, eyes roaming about the room, and then become disoriented visually.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

He must avoid contradictions, while at the same time not putting his normal walking into some distant future. You must believe that in Framework 2 all of the necessary procedures involved in his normal walking are now happening, and believe that improvements and obvious states of that process will occur in Framework 1. The evidence will appear in Framework 1 as you believe it. At the same time, however, you must not be ever-checking Ruburt’s condition for the evidence.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

On the other hand, improvements may be gradual, but steady. The whole point is to trust that they will come, in whatever fashion, but in a reasonable time, without making other qualifications.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The fact that you even sent books to artists and art institutions shows that you have changed your attitudes in Framework 1, thereby opening resources in Framework 2 that did not exist, practically speaking, earlier. Many artists have strong psychic leanings, whether or not they admit them. The Cézanne book will have more effect on the people that you sent it to than they realize, or may be apparent at this time, because you are uniting two strong forces—the artistic and creative ones. You should get some excellent responses, though some people will not want their names used.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You have made your first strong impression in Framework 2, however, in certain fashions, for it is the first time you have personally contacted people about these books in any concerted manner. That change of attitude is vastly important.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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