1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 29 1977" AND stemmed:ruburt)

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 17/48 (35%) ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 29, 1977 9:54 PM Saturday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now, give us a moment.... Let me try again to explain a few points, mainly concerning Ruburt’s condition.

Until the very recent past, his body in a way was overdisciplined, so that it maintained a fairly stable but rigid framework. Certain postures were allowed, certain motions, and not others, as if Ruburt operated his body as though it were a puppet, keeping it in certain ritualized motions by holding the strings too tightly.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Each muscle, ligament, and joint was to some extent affected, drawn too tightly. The head could move, and the neck, in certain positions. The eyes looked forward, moving with the head’s motion. The eyes did not roll easily, but since no attempt was made to roll them, the restriction was not noticed, except when Ruburt tried to roll his eyes when they were closed, for an exercise once or twice.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The neck ligaments, as mentioned, and the jaw area were particularly involved. Ruburt had some habits he was only vaguely aware of. He used to close his eyes tightly, often, when he sat down, tensing the knee ligaments and the eyes at the same time. This was because the knees hurt. In another learned response he did not look sideways. When he reached for something to the side he reached like this: his eyes did not follow the motion.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment.... (Long pause.) To some extent this has allowed the eyes to read now and then without glasses. The alterations in Ruburt’s knees, however, send various messages to the brain, for as he walks, due to the present activity, his position is not constant. He is not always so many feet, for example, from the floor. As the ligaments and muscles in the legs activate, they are learning to work together under entirely different conditions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The varying pressure in the joints is also involved here, and all of these issues are connected with depth perception. The body of course knows your situations, and the demands put upon it. If Ruburt were a traffic cop, other methods would have been taken so that he would not get run down, for example. I understand your concern, and perhaps I should not comment, but if some of my suggestions had been followed, you would have had quicker results with the eyes. I know you both fairly well, however, so I usually give you a number of suggestions toward action, so that at least some of them (dryly) will be followed.

In your joint creativity, you sustained each other’s faith through the years. You gave your desire freedom, and you believed in it. That belief dissolved impediments that lay in your way—even some you did not recognize—attitudes, for example, that you had but did not see were detrimental. You were not driven by fear, but desire, not by doubts but by hope and faith. You did not project failure into the future, but success. Overall, these last few weeks you have done well. Ruburt has noted sometimes a worry and lack of faith, and so have you. But those times are now becoming—becoming the exception rather than the rule, and before them the opposite applied.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is Ruburt of course whose moods are more noticeable, but he still should feel free to discuss his fears with you when he is in a poor mood. For even if you are not filled with faith at such times, you can usually recognize that his fears are exaggerated rather than realistic, even in those terms.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

When you were working with sales the other day, you felt that contact (as described). You felt motion happening. Sometimes, perhaps, when Ruburt is listening to music he likes on his radio, let him try to get the feeling of Framework 2 again, without trying too hard, and imagine himself dancing, anyway he likes. This does not have to be long or involved.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are beginning to awaken your faith, but still afraid to believe. Ruburt has had some excellent moments of such faith, however, and those moments add up. It is highly important that you continue thinking creatively in terms of his condition, of not being afraid to believe that he can indeed walk normally.

He must avoid contradictions, while at the same time not putting his normal walking into some distant future. You must believe that in Framework 2 all of the necessary procedures involved in his normal walking are now happening, and believe that improvements and obvious states of that process will occur in Framework 1. The evidence will appear in Framework 1 as you believe it. At the same time, however, you must not be ever-checking Ruburt’s condition for the evidence.

(Very intensely:) the inspiration for a book can come in a moment, though for months nothing may appear. So Ruburt’s condition may show no physical improvements of the kind you are looking for—may not—while suddenly the work that has been done unconsciously during that period can suddenly emerge, seemingly from nowhere, as a spectacular improvement. If you do not have faith in the meantime, however, you hamper that kind of development.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Any other ways that Ruburt can increase his daily enjoyment will also help. The cooking efforts, the dishes, have benefits that do not show beside those you are familiar with. If you do follow my suggestions concerning Framework 2, given this evening, your own experiences will lead to other creative ideas involving Ruburt’s condition, sales, and creative activity.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You have both been afraid that Ruburt would not return to normal flexibility, to have faith in that situation, for fear your hopes would be aroused then dashed. You did not free that desire. You gave it no expression. You did talk of improvements, but you saw them going toward no completed direction. Again, because your fears did not allow you to express or release that desire.

Again, the more normal activities, as with the dishes, et cetera, that Ruburt tries, the more he states his intent to do normal things. The more his attitude changes, the more flexible he becomes, the more freedom he allows himself. You must not be afraid to hope, for hope always leads to faith.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The exercise I told Ruburt to do about dancing can also trigger responses on his part in ways now impossible to expect. All of the resources, the endless resources on Framework 2 are available to you, and you will use them in many areas, but you must trigger them through desire and intent, with the faith and belief that they are indeed available at your command, in the area in which you are interested.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

End of session, except that you can also suggest that you become acquainted with, or visit, Framework 2 while in the dream state, and remember the event. With your focus now, you should have decent results. Remember applying the creativity to Ruburt’s condition, and to increasing daily enjoyment. A small note: you did not free your desire in terms of sales, either. You wanted the books to go so far and no further, because you did not trust your own abilities to handle the situation if the books did really well. My heartiest regards and a fond good evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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