1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 29 1977" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 6/48 (12%) ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 29, 1977 9:54 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Several times during the last week I’d mentioned to Jane that we should get more information from Seth on her eyes—insisting upon more specific reasons why they were so protuberant. Most of the time we felt that her eyes were healing themselves, since often now she would be able to see with great clarity at various distances even better than with her glasses. Tonight I found out that Jane too had been dunning Seth—but mentally—about more on her eyes. Now she became rather upset as we both voiced our opinions just before the session, and this probably contributed to the later start of the session. But I still thought it very strange for the eyes to cause problems if the body was in the process of healing itself, as Seth has so often said recently is the case. Why should another part suffer? I was ready to admit that the body could repair itself in ways that might be mysterious to us, but at the same time I certainly wanted additional reassurances from Seth that we were doing the right thing in going along with his information. I also realized that Jane’s quite unique set of symptoms might lead to effects as they released that we’d certainly be unprepared for.

(Last Thursday afternoon as I lay down for my customary nap before supper, I had an experience that was new for me: I’ve been meaning to write it up, so this place will serve as a record. As Jane and I have decided to do lately, I began giving myself suggestions about increased sales of her books. I was very comfortably ensconced on our couch. As I gave the suggestions I abruptly realized that they seemed to be penetrating—what?—some sort of barrier or limit that I’d usually assumed marked the limits of ordinary conscious awareness. Rooms ordinarily alien or unknown to me seemed to open up, although in a very concentrated focus, as say from the beam of a flashlight. But I knew that the suggestions had penetrated as never before, and I thought they had reached their goal in Framework 2 in a way that I could be aware of. The sensation was brief but unmistakable, and very enjoyable. It happened again a few moments later. Then I fell asleep.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Today we received from the Museum of Modern Art an acknowledgment that William Rubin had received the Cézanne book I’d mailed him on October 17. In a note dated Oct 25 his assistant implied that Mr. Rubin would get in touch later, after the affairs connected with the Cézanne show there had subsided. He hasn’t looked through the book yet, however. I mentioned to Jane that it would be fun if Seth could give us a little bit on Rubin’s reaction when he saw the book on Cézanne—not on its contents.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(With gestures, Seth simulated Jane reaching to one side while keeping her head and eyes facing straight forward.)

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(11:02. During break Jane said she knew that either she or Seth could tune into the situation at the Museum of Modern Art, but that she could “feel resistance” to the idea. Resume at 11:30.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(“Thank you, Seth, and good night.” 11:48 PM. I told Jane that I now had full confidence that we could handle anything that arose as a result of greatly increased sales.)

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