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TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 7/48 (15%) ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 29, 1977 9:54 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Several times during the last week I’d mentioned to Jane that we should get more information from Seth on her eyes—insisting upon more specific reasons why they were so protuberant. Most of the time we felt that her eyes were healing themselves, since often now she would be able to see with great clarity at various distances even better than with her glasses. Tonight I found out that Jane too had been dunning Seth—but mentally—about more on her eyes. Now she became rather upset as we both voiced our opinions just before the session, and this probably contributed to the later start of the session. But I still thought it very strange for the eyes to cause problems if the body was in the process of healing itself, as Seth has so often said recently is the case. Why should another part suffer? I was ready to admit that the body could repair itself in ways that might be mysterious to us, but at the same time I certainly wanted additional reassurances from Seth that we were doing the right thing in going along with his information. I also realized that Jane’s quite unique set of symptoms might lead to effects as they released that we’d certainly be unprepared for.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Until the very recent past, his body in a way was overdisciplined, so that it maintained a fairly stable but rigid framework. Certain postures were allowed, certain motions, and not others, as if Ruburt operated his body as though it were a puppet, keeping it in certain ritualized motions by holding the strings too tightly.

In this case the strings would be the muscles and tendons. The body is not a puppet, however, so the tightened ligaments and muscles restrained the joints to some extent—all of them. Little by little they demanded less lubrication, for use did not stimulate it.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Improvements could occur, and did, but at one time or another the portions of the body had to begin to break away from the overall blocked picture. Spontaneity had to be allowed if any normality of motion was to occur. You did not want a body in the same position, simply moving faster, for example. Therefore in the late months the various ligaments and muscles, and tendons began to loosen.

As you know, the overall dependability of the old posture could not be relied upon anymore. That in itself was a definite step forward. Our friend Frank Longwell verified the loosening of the ligaments in the knees. They move now constantly, trying out their new freedoms and as they do they stimulate other positions of the body to one extent or another. The same applies to the right foot particularly as new ligaments loosen.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(10:17.) Added to this is the fact that joints now require lubrication. His head feels fuller, and other portions of the body also. These changes mean that the pressure in his ears and head changes. The lubrication allows more spontaneous actions on the part of the joints, ligaments, and muscles. To some extent the changing pressure accounts for the eyes’ protuberance, so that they have plenty of moisture and do not become dry as the eye muscles and other portions of the eyes exercise their new activity.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The varying pressure in the joints is also involved here, and all of these issues are connected with depth perception. The body of course knows your situations, and the demands put upon it. If Ruburt were a traffic cop, other methods would have been taken so that he would not get run down, for example. I understand your concern, and perhaps I should not comment, but if some of my suggestions had been followed, you would have had quicker results with the eyes. I know you both fairly well, however, so I usually give you a number of suggestions toward action, so that at least some of them (dryly) will be followed.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

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