1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 29 1977" AND stemmed:art)
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(Today we received from the Museum of Modern Art an acknowledgment that William Rubin had received the Cézanne book I’d mailed him on October 17. In a note dated Oct 25 his assistant implied that Mr. Rubin would get in touch later, after the affairs connected with the Cézanne show there had subsided. He hasn’t looked through the book yet, however. I mentioned to Jane that it would be fun if Seth could give us a little bit on Rubin’s reaction when he saw the book on Cézanne—not on its contents.)
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
(11:02. During break Jane said she knew that either she or Seth could tune into the situation at the Museum of Modern Art, but that she could “feel resistance” to the idea. Resume at 11:30.)
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The fact that you even sent books to artists and art institutions shows that you have changed your attitudes in Framework 1, thereby opening resources in Framework 2 that did not exist, practically speaking, earlier. Many artists have strong psychic leanings, whether or not they admit them. The Cézanne book will have more effect on the people that you sent it to than they realize, or may be apparent at this time, because you are uniting two strong forces—the artistic and creative ones. You should get some excellent responses, though some people will not want their names used.
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