1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 24 1977" AND stemmed:contact)
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(Jane told me as we sat for the session tonight that she’d had some hints from Seth that the session would be on faith. I mentioned two questions: 1. Some comments on my dream about Louise Stamp recently, and the series of connections Jane had made, based upon it. It sounded very much like another instance of the workings of Framework 2; 2. Some comments on my recent dream involving my meeting my parents in the great marble hall, as I called it. I thought it might represent psychic contact with them, as well as other things.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Someone may plan an airplane trip. Everything will be arranged—the last detail taken care of. The person may take great precautions to see that the plane is not missed. Persons may have been contacted to care for the house during the time of absence. Children may have been sent to camp, neighbors assigned to care for pets, and every logical situation cared for.
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
(11:30.) Give us a moment.... You were aware of your parents in Framework 2 (in my dream of Oct 19, 1977) with the hall as your symbol. Basically speaking, these were your parents as you knew them. I believe there is a connection with the man from Sayre—he is not dead that might very well appear in your normal life as a contact. There may also have been a connection with the house in Sayre.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]