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TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 9/50 (18%) faith Framework crash intimacy sustained
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 24, 1977 9:21 PM Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Both dreams are on record in my own dream notebook. Jane herself wrote up the Stamp dream and its many connections. Most interesting... Now she told me that Seth’s recent prediction that her eyes would show noticeable improvement shortly has evidently come to pass; she wanted me to note that here. Her vision, while not normal in all respects yet, has greatly improved. And consistently, to her delight. Jane is also recovering from the tooth challenges very well.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You go on faith that there will be a tomorrow. You operate on faith constantly, so that it becomes indeed an almost invisible element in each life. It is the fiber behind all organizations and relationships, and it is based upon the innate, natural knowledge possessed by each new creature—the knowledge that it springs from a sustaining source, that its birth is cushioned by all the resources of nature, and that nature itself is sustained by the greater source that gave it birth.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The young woman, Frances (Gardella), who wrote Ruburt, with no evidence was certain she would be followed—tomorrow if not today. I want to point out that faith is not all that unusual, but a prime element in your life. You can have faith that you will be ill. This should be obvious, because for example there are healthy people also, with no evidence of any disease, who have utter faith that disease is hidden within them, or swiftly approaching.

It is, therefore, quite to everyone’s advantage that Framework 2 is not neutral. Faith in a creative, fulfilling, desired end, sustained faith, literally draws from Framework 2 all of the necessary ingredients, all of the elements however staggering in number, arranges all the details, and then inserts into Framework 1 the impulses, dreams, chance meetings, motivations, or whatever is necessary so that the desired end then falls into place as a completed pattern.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Let us say that this particular plane may well crash, and in fact does. After all of this person’s planning, hard work and effort, at the last moment everything seems to go wrong. Nothing seems right. The children do not leave for camp in time. One of the animals runs away. A ticket is lost. Our individual comes down with indigestion, or a headache. Lo and behold—for while everything seems so poorly, our friend’s life is being saved, for he misses his plane.

Later he wonders what happened, that his life was saved, and his plans altered at the last moment. Our friend wanted to live and had faith that he would. In spite of his own conscious lack of knowledge, he was brought to operate according to the information available in Framework 2, though he was not aware of it. He lost his ticket—a stupid error, it seemed. The lives and events of all those involved with his trip—the neighbors, the children, and so forth—all of those issues were arranged in Framework 2, so that while the events seemed most unpleasant, they were highly beneficial.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:58.) Give us a moment.... Framework 2 contains all the dreams, plans, and thoughts of all human beings of any time. There, the spacious present is operative. There, it makes no difference if you have had an undesirable physical condition for a day or a lifetime. There, you are not impeded by the past.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Such an impulse, followed, will lead to its own performance the means will be given. Before, Ruburt’s fear prevented him from even acknowledging many such impulses to act. Ruburt’s assessment of your dream and its conditions is another case in point. The inner organizations immediately trigger all the necessary actions required, from Framework 2. This applies to any issue – but again, your creative abilities, used on behalf of Ruburt’s physical condition will give him a normally cooperating body.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

(A note: As Seth said, the Framework 2 concepts, once initiated, do seem to accelerate almost of their own volition. Since I personally have begun working with it, new applications for its use seem to pop up from everywhere—natural enough, I suppose, yet I feel an impetus there as though I’ve finally found something that will be of immense use in daily life. It will be interesting to see what develops. Last night as we were retiring, I thought of a good use for the Framework 2 data: to use it to insure that the books reach the greatest audience possible—this without worrying about the number of copies sold, the money involved, etc. All those things should follow naturally from the original idea. After all, I told Jane, getting the books distributed is our main goal; now it would be great to see that happen without the impediments we’ve put in the way all this time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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