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TPS4 Deleted Session October 22, 1977 8/42 (19%) Framework dishes stool faith cooking
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 22, 1977 9:20 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In recent days we’ve had several conversations about Frameworks 1 and 2, and these have apparently begun to show results. I think the suggestions about the two frameworks that we’ve worked out are very close to the suggestions that Seth implied we should use in the hypnosis experiments.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Negative beliefs have to be inserted there with great repetitiveness before you meet their physical results. To that extent also, energy is not neutral, as is often said, to be used for good or evil, for example. Energy is a positive force, ever-inclining toward creativity and fulfillment.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I believe that you are finally beginning, both of you, the last few days how to get a hold of your natural creativity in connection with Ruburt’s situation, and to apply it to that end. If you continue then you attract from Framework 2 everything that you possibly need, and other areas of your lives will also improve, for to whatever extent they are somewhat shadowed by your attitudes resulting from Ruburt’s condition.

The mood, however, and the results that you achieved today, if sustained, draws to you from all of your experience and from the vast potential of Framework 2 those body events, healing situations, dreams, impulses, or whatever is needed to right Ruburt’s condition.

Faith itself then becomes an active ingredient in your lives in that regard. That is why your suggestions of today are so vital, stating that you do have faith that Ruburt’s condition is now in the process of being healed in Framework 2, and that the results will show in Framework 1. It is important that you realize that the healing is now taking place in Framework 2 whether or not you see immediate results in any given day or not. That is where faith comes in.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

A day like today is now beneficial then from many standpoints. Once you allow your faith to take some root, then you yield far more than you sow in Framework 2, and in results in Framework 1. Positively, you see that kind of acceleration in Ruburt’s work, and if you give yourselves a chance you will see it also as far as Ruburt’s physical condition is concerned. The body tries. It continues its own processes toward healing. You have only to encourage these, and to have faith in the body’s abilities and intents. Unless you have questions, that will be it for this evening.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Your own creativity being applied in this new fashion will also show its results in your painting and writing, for it adds a new cast, not only to your understanding of creativity, but to its application.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(This emphasis on that simple profound faith seems to be the key, and using that approach Jane has already achieved some good results. Her vision was much better yesterday afternoon on our ride, and today as I type this she is working on a painting—the first one she’s attempted in some weeks. Her ability to read has been remarkably improved today, even without glasses. Other changes continue to take place in her body also.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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