1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 17 1977" AND stemmed:belief)
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The beliefs behind the entire affair were far more mundane, and his knowledge and yours has kept away many problems that might otherwise have occurred.
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Now: Ruburt knew he had to have dental work. He wanted it done. His beliefs were not of the best at all, as far as physically getting to the office. He did not, however, imagine himself, for example, falling, except I believe in one or two very brief thoughts. Had you told him “Never mind, when the time comes you will make it,” that would have been adequate enough. You did say, several times, “You’ll be able to make it all right”—and that was also adequate and a good response.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Paul’s activities over the weekend, yours, the time of your call, the fact that he did have the time today, when ordinarily he would not—all of these issues were juggled in Framework 2, to give you, now, the best possible solution, given the conditions in Framework 1, with the desires and beliefs involved.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
The fear that the eye difficulty might be a serious disease caused further tension, of course. The knees are definitely continuing to release. The hands, fingers, arms and neck areas also. You both believed for years—and many years —that if you were gifted you had to do all you could to protect yourselves from others. Ruburt believed that people hated you if you were different. Those beliefs existed, and Ruburt felt that he was different, from the time he was a young child.
Those ideas from Freud, Darwin, and even the churches, have been inherent in your civilization. To the extent that you understand this and combat those beliefs, you are free. Whenever you have serious doubts of any kind, they usually arise from remnants of that framework.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
It is very important that both of you realize, paraphrasing James, that the universe is with you, that it supports you. That belief will always bring the best possible developments from Framework 2. Ruburt should concentrate on his creative work. You should both help reinforce each other’s beliefs, in the actuality of Framework 2, and in the safety in which your existence is couched. There are several good developments coming your way that I will let you discover, and there should be some definite improvements in Ruburt’s eyes—I would say, very quickly.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]