1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session octob 10 1977" AND stemmed:was)
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(The couple, Carol and Fred—not married—related to us a most “far-out” series of events leading to their finding out where we lived. The odds against such a series of happenings must be very high. The heart of the chain of events resulted in their meeting Miss Dineen on the sidewalk in front of Rubin’s bookstore as they were putting money into a parking meter. Miss Dineen told them they needn’t do so on a holiday, and the conversation among the three of them took off from there—culminating in Miss Dineen remembering that she knew us when Miss Callahan was alive, etc.—all of this after Carol and Fred had asked Miss Dineen if she knew us.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(It wasn’t until after the Canadian couple had left us, actually, that the implications of what had happened began to sink in. I thought the odds alone staggering that it had happened at all. During their visit the woman, Carol, several times expressed the thought that she returned the second time, to see if we were home, because “it was meant to be,” or words to that effect. She also said that if we hadn’t been home, that was meant to be also. Carol had met an individual named Ron who had visited us here at 1730 two years or so ago—not long after we’d moved in, incidentally. Jane and I haven’t seen Miss Dineen except once soon after Miss Callahan’s death at least 10 years ago. Personally, I do not think I would know her if we met.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(The encounter with the Canadian couple was so recent that as we sat for the session it hadn’t occurred to Jane and me to hope that Seth would discuss the affair, or to even ask that he do so. I was impressed by the meeting on the street, but equally taken with the fact that Hal had known someone who’d known James. Strangely, in all of this the meeting of Rusty and the president of Prentice-Hall hadn’t registered as strongly with us, though we recognized that it could be an event originating in Framework 2. Oh yes—the president is involved with Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, which may have been his motivation for attending Rusty’s talk to begin with.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I want to use this as a case in point, showing how desire brings about its own fulfillment when possible. Anything possible is probable. The young lady wanted to see the both of you vividly enough so that that desire, with no effort on her part, was a reality in Framework 2. Miss Dineen likes people, and would be quite lonely were it not for the desire to meet with and enjoy other people. She particularly enjoys unusual people, or foreigners, and chance encounters. Otherwise she is a rather solitary person—but her desire for such encounters exists with no effort on her part in Framework 2.
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Using such “a psychic computer,” information was sorted and resorted, probabilities examined, some discarded because the conditions were not apropos. Miss Dineen this evening was looking for a small adventure. She met two delightful strangers—near-foreigners. She will tell the story to friends. The meeting then originally was “planned” in Framework 2. In case your young visitor—the woman (Carol) now—did not meet you, she had insisted in her mind that she would meet someone who knew you or had some personal connection somehow.
Remember—you two were involved, with your probabilities and free will. Until Ruburt was at his desk this evening, he did not finally decide whether or not he would greet the strangers you knew had earlier tried to reach you. He played with the idea of checking some notes, and then taking his chapter (on James) to the living room table, and darkening his room. In that case, the young woman would still have met someone who had a connection with him.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
She was drawn to shop when she did for that reason, and also because of the personal connection—how strange that she should have anything in common with these visitors from Canada. The whole affair happened like any truly creative event. The methods that the girl used—the young woman—in the various adventures she related to you, occurred in the same way.
(In a long conversation that Jane and I found hard to follow at times, Carol described how she’d put together elements from various philosophies and belief systems in order to get what she wanted. In some fashion, Jane and I thought as we listened to her, she was able to make it work for her. I kidded her, also, about “saying the heck with the details,” I remember.)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
She did in fact go to a bookstore, but in so doing she killed two birds with one stone, so to speak, for she found your address in the phone book, but also just happened to run into Miss Dineen—and that was something that only a thorough canvassing of the town might produce.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
That James however is, of course, as he says the William James that he was —and yet is no more the same William James, as the child and the adult are one person and yet are not. Consciousness can be put together in many ways, and you use your own consciousness in ways that presently at least escape you, even though the results may be quite objective. The encounter and Miss Dineen and your friends, again, is a case in point. The meeting was real in your terms, yet the manipulations of consciousness behind it were largely unknown.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(11:56 PM. As I typed the session the next day, I told Jane I was quite enthused by it. Somehow the two incidents described, involving Rusty and Hal, and Carol and Fred, had served to impress upon me the validity of Seth’s ideas about Frameworks 1 and 2 in ways that the intellectual understanding of those concepts alone hadn’t done. I found myself trying out the concepts as I worked—and they worked. I may regard the session as a key or breakthrough session, then. I told Jane I wanted to discuss it thoroughly with her when I had it finished. It seems that we can put the concepts of the frameworks to use in all areas of daily life, reinforce longtime goals, etc.
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