1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session novemb 5 1977" AND stemmed:bodi)
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(Last Wednesday Jane had the last of her extractions done; she is recovering very well indeed. This week she has experienced many more small but important physical improvements throughout her body, all adding up to a considerable change in her physical condition as far as sitting, walking, etc. This is all very encouraging; her improvements to date of course mark by far the longest period of sustained improvements that she’s shown in many years. I seem to feel an unaccustomed excitement about it all; this hovers offstage, one might say, at the chance that she’ll make it after all.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(9:59.) Give is a moment.... In very ancient times, medicine men had to perform such acts as part of their initiation ceremonies. I am not sure how to explain the process, however. The belief triggers body chemicals in a certain fashion, though the process itself involves an interaction between the air and the chemicals of the body, which form together a protective shield that repels the action of the fire.
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They program the interactions within the body, so that certain effects always appear inevitable, when such in basic terms is not always the case, necessarily. You can intrinsically walk on fire, or thrust your hands into the flames, and be unburned. I would not suggest that too many try it, however. The mind and its beliefs are the basic determinants. That firewalker shares his reality with nonfirewalkers, in general terms, but in this one instance the firewalker superimposes a strong counterbelief, and it works
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
In many cases of health problems, energy is actually being applied to block the body’s normal healing processes. This is almost always the result of beliefs that do not fit in with the person’s own best interests. Your social beliefs are of course important here, mass medical beliefs. In a vast number of cases this represents a dilemma of a psychological or psychic nature. It is the body’s attempt to cope in the face of the mind’s confusion.
I hope to go into the ways in which computations are made in Framework 2, and how they interact with your world. The body of course exists in Framework 2 also, or it could not exist in Framework 1 at all. You are in constant touch with Framework 2, then. It gives you your life.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]