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TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 9/42 (21%) firewalker fire bulb flames Framework
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 5, 1977 9:42 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Last Wednesday Jane had the last of her extractions done; she is recovering very well indeed. This week she has experienced many more small but important physical improvements throughout her body, all adding up to a considerable change in her physical condition as far as sitting, walking, etc. This is all very encouraging; her improvements to date of course mark by far the longest period of sustained improvements that she’s shown in many years. I seem to feel an unaccustomed excitement about it all; this hovers offstage, one might say, at the chance that she’ll make it after all.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You live in a world of root assumptions, to which all agree. They are the ground rules of your reality—but not the ground rules of all realities or of all probabilities. Your firewalker inserts another probability, and hence reacts to and with that reality of the fire in ways that are not considered normal. I have said his feet touch the ground but not the flames. Actually, what I can only call an invisible shield protects him from the flames, so that his feet and ankles are surrounded by an aura that repels the fire actively. This is a definite force, a psychic force field, if you will. This ability is quite ancient, though little known.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

What you actually have is a case of cold flame. Stories of walking on water give you the same kind of proposition, where you have to all effects and purposes dry water, or solid water.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt was correct: your spontaneous creative self dwells in Framework 2. There, your nature is intimately known, with all of its unique characteristics and capabilities. There, automatically, computations are made so that you will meet, in Framework 1, with the necessary opportunities, situations, or whatever it is that your circumstances require.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All of this is known in Framework 2. Even then, events will be arranged for her own good. She might, for example, through a series of seemingly chance encounters, end up in another branch of singing, less formal, where she also deals with her contemporaries, as in a music company.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(10:29.) He is beginning to release the desire to walk normally, rather just to ask for improvements—for before, he was not sure where he wanted those improvements to lead. The seminar idea means that he is changing in his mind, and that is where the changes must occur. The physical changes follow automatically. The desire to walk, released and expressed, again automatically triggers in Framework 2 all of the necessary conditions. The hints and clues then appear in Framework 1, and you build upon those significances.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Even when nothing shows in Framework 1, if you have properly inserted your desire there, then all the proper circumstances and conditions are being brought together. Again, they may suddenly appear, or they may not appear in the order in which you think they should, because your vision must be limited in comparison to that available in Framework 2.

I want to mention again that all kinds of events are involved with Ruburt, for example—physical, psychological, and even social. His improvements of late are excellent, and highly significant. They are the result of the faith you have built up thus far. Do not try to program the improvements. The descriptions given by James in the later part of the book actually apply very well to the creative medium of Framework 2, for your needs are anticipated and automatically provided for, if, again, you do not impede them through contrary beliefs.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I hope to go into the ways in which computations are made in Framework 2, and how they interact with your world. The body of course exists in Framework 2 also, or it could not exist in Framework 1 at all. You are in constant touch with Framework 2, then. It gives you your life.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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