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TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 3/44 (7%) ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 28, 1977 9:37 PM Monday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

The Protestant work ethics lack exuberance. The men who have succeeded within it, the inventors for example, never really fit within its confines. To a certain extent, of course, the impetus in an industrial society is upon throwaway achievement and mass-produced goods. A certain amount of time spent assembling a certain product, performing the same motions over and over on an assembly line, will at the end of a certain period give you a certain number of assembled items. Creativity is the one thing not needed, for the products are to be put together in a fairly regimented fashion.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You had no social or cultural framework, then, ready-made for you to follow. Nor did you have any certainty that any self-imposed period of training and learning would succeed in leading you to your goals. In practical terms your goals were nebulous enough, in that there would be no degrees granted you, to say you had achieved them. You also had to survive economically.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

Left alone, you would both work many hours, but under completely different mental conditions. Left alone, you would both have altered your schedules simply because creative work enjoys variety. You would each have had periods where you worked nights for a while, and then days, or whatever, or when you began work at eight and worked until one in the morning. But you would have felt free to follow the inner scheduling.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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