1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session novemb 28 1977" AND stemmed:normal)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s reading in college, and his friends there, led him to believe that the artistically gifted were not too well equipped to handle normal living. He thought they were fascinating, charming, self-destructive, and wasted most of their time in emotional and sexual excursions leading nowhere. He was determined not to fall into that trap. He did not realize that the people he knew — Nelson Hayes, for example, and Mauzet—were not basically artists, in this case writers. They would never write the books they talked about. But he made his judgment.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
What attitudes do you have that still linger? How do you communicate them to each other? You both want Ruburt to walk normally now, and you are seeing results in terms of body releases and improvements. In the past you have been in the habit of putting off “distractions” until this or that book was finished until you were sure that you could cope with freedom. If Ruburt were better completely tomorrow, would he suddenly want to disrupt the whole applecart before “Unknown” was finished, and go to Florida?
[... 1 paragraph ...]
That question, with its implications, for I have simply taken one example of your fears, is to some extent in each of your minds. Can you handle the possibility of normal activity?—and I tell you that you can. The change of beliefs and feelings, the acceptance of freedom mentally, will vastly accelerate both of your creative abilities, releasing on both of your parts energy that has been withheld.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]