1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session novemb 26 1977" AND stemmed:right)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane repeated several times that she had no questions, except to wonder why “it was taking so long to get over the whole thing,” and so forth. “‘You can put those in.” She added that she hoped that in each session “he’ll just come up with something that I can use to blaze right through with, that’s all.” Her physical improvements continued in general terms, although it had seemed to be a slower week.)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(I didn’t think of any foreign book-publishing rights being involved, though, as Seth indicates. Last month we were informed through Tam and personal letter from Switzerland that a foreign translation of Seth Speaks may be in the works, but nothing concerning Spain that we know of. Tam wrote that Prentice-Hall wouldn’t notify us of such deals unless they go through, usually, so perhaps a Spanish publisher has expressed interest? We don’t know....
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
As you begin to make mental plans for a freer future, the same kind of events happen. Events that before seemed impossible first of all seem perhaps possible, or you can see that they can indeed be carried out right now to some extent, in perhaps a limited fashion. Your mental world becomes freer. That freedom induces physical improvements. You must be free in your imagination. You must learn to reinforce each other’s faith in Ruburt’s constant improvements, as you have encouraged each other’s faith in your own and each other’s creative abilities.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]