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TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 11/45 (24%) Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 26, 1977 9:44 PM Saturday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane repeated several times that she had no questions, except to wonder why “it was taking so long to get over the whole thing,” and so forth. “‘You can put those in.” She added that she hoped that in each session “he’ll just come up with something that I can use to blaze right through with, that’s all.” Her physical improvements continued in general terms, although it had seemed to be a slower week.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You know also that your own previous memories in this life are all available to you at other than conscious levels. You read without remembering learning to do so. The days or hours spent in school are consciously forgotten. The experiences are utilized constantly, however. Your performance as you read is the result of that forgotten learning process.

Associations are highly personal, bringing together in thought and in dreams highly individualistic constructs in which actual events and fantasized ones come together. In Framework 2 those freer associative patterns are everywhere potent. The associative processes of the world, with their literally infinite capacities for creative constructs, are there available. Your world is first of all a mental one. The organization of Framework 2 is then highly associative.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The connections among such associations cannot be followed from the standpoint of intellectual logic, for those associations are first of all emotional. Some are more charged than others. Because of culture and religion, an apple may remind many people of the Garden of Eden, or sin. The apple can be used as a general symbol in that way. In deeper terms, however, an apple might be associated with a cellar, a kitchen, a still life, a death, a birth, or with a million other items or events, according to a given individual’s own chain of associations.

All of that is known in Framework 2. There, personal and world associations form their own kinds of patterns. There, your thoughts are as actual as physical events, for the physical events could not occur without that inner activity. You have conscious intents. These act as your directional signals. They automatically pull to you what you need from Framework 2, drawing out all of the associations that you need in order to have certain events occur.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You were quite correct: it was not coincidence, for example, that you heard from Bill Macdonnel just after the Burt Ryerson story. The Spain connection with your friend the traveler, Carlos (Smith), and with the question of foreign translation of the books. There are obviously many patterns—some prominent and some subordinate, but they all work, often invisibly, adding up to seeming coincidences.

(A brief account for possible future use: Around November 17 we received a postcard from Carlos from his winter mooring berth in Alicante, Spain; card dated November 10. On Thanksgiving day, November 24, Carroll Stamp called us to tell us that she’d met Burt Ryerson, who had just returned from Spain. She didn’t know where; but Ryerson told her that while over there he’d heard that Jane and I had bought a house in Spain and were moving over there. I found this all quite unbelievable. We don’t know whether Carroll’s story is distorted, whether Ryerson may have things confused, or what. Evidently Ryerson was in Spain at the same time Carlos was, [and is, of course]. If Ryerson met anyone over there who knows us, we are quite unaware of it. I note these items in case something further develops out of Framework 2.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

As you begin to make mental plans for a freer future, the same kind of events happen. Events that before seemed impossible first of all seem perhaps possible, or you can see that they can indeed be carried out right now to some extent, in perhaps a limited fashion. Your mental world becomes freer. That freedom induces physical improvements. You must be free in your imagination. You must learn to reinforce each other’s faith in Ruburt’s constant improvements, as you have encouraged each other’s faith in your own and each other’s creative abilities.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:28.) This session is highly important. You make mental plans for your creative work. You are both highly reluctant to change your mental habits, much less your physical ones. You have no idea of the creative potential you are missing. The idea of a night in a motel, easily accessible on the ground floor, even with dinner in your room, is a beginning, out of all proportion to any events involved. That particular event or fantasy, nipped in the bud, is simply an example of the way that you nip such possibilities even in your imagination.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now for all of that, Ruburt does have his intent clear. The body is responding, but not in the ways that you necessarily think it should. You recognize improvements, but you do not see him walking better, and you are not pleased, either of you, with his vision; though it shows that great activity is going on, and that there have been improvements there also.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(A note: I don’t really understand why any sort of Framework 2 connection should arise involving us and Spain, however—the question arose as I typed the rest of the session after writing the notes on page 110-111. Strange, it seems, on the surface at least, that events involving us and Spain should arise, seemingly without our conscious participation or awareness at all. Neither of us is very interested in Spain, per se, or events connected with it. We haven’t seen Ryerson in years, and see Bill M. seldom. So what brings all this about? Why is Framework 2 offering us these events?)

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