1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session novemb 12 1977" AND stemmed:belief)
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Ruburt’s physical condition was the result of nature impeded. You cannot really know your neighbor’s subjective reality. Some people throughout their lives merge the two Frameworks unconsciously in a childlike manner. Others begin early to concentrate in Framework 1, so that Framework 2 goes more and more out of focus. Because you are natural, however, your existence is couched in Framework 2, and to some extent you are even saved at times from your own beliefs because additional insights or solutions are directly inserted into your mind in the dream state, or in other moments of the day.
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(The dream Seth refers to happened on Wednesday morning, November 9, 1977, and Jane did an excellent job of interpreting it. The dream actually reviews the whole of Jane’s and my life together, our motives and actions, fears and beliefs, etc.)
[... 36 paragraphs ...]