1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session may 15 1978" AND stemmed:rob AND stemmed:pendulum)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Our daily pendulum work continues, and continues to get good results. Each day brings something new. Jane has been extremely sore in her arms, shoulders, rib cage, and so forth today, yet she was able to stand taller, by leaning against the bathroom door frame, than I’d seen her do in a very long time. It’s part of the rhythmic healing process going on in her body, as Seth described it recently, moving through different areas successively, followed each time by new releases. Jane said her knees felt very light and considerably looser.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Largely, he has stopped projecting negatively into the future. There are a few lapses, but overall he is changing that habit—and the point of power has helped him considerably there. He is discussing his feelings openly with you. That, plus your pendulum work, prevents fears from going underground again. He is quite importantly beginning to change the viewpoint from which he previously viewed his reality. There is a line in the point of power material to that regard.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
You want to examine life, to experience it, and yet in some way find in time a safe dimension apart from time. What you want is a second life in life, in which to appreciate and examine life’s experience. The ordinary distractions of life immediately then cause conflict. On the one hand, they are living, these distractions. They are life. On the other hand, they rob you in time of that second life you want, in which to examine your experiences.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
You determine the time you want to spend with “Unknown”—time you want to spend, say, in the yard. For now the pendulum sessions are involved. You do not need to worry about hurting your friends or neighbors, who will understand quite well. You have only to firmly state your position, and they will follow, expecting this of you.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s feelings after his nap involve the material given earlier, primarily on two lives in one, but also are based upon old feelings you are now handling in your pendulum work, that are in the process of being resolved but the strong time elements are strongly involved.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]