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TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 13/39 (33%) inspired guests impulses strangers responding
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session May 10, 1978 9:30 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

What of your letters and visitors lately? For one thing, the number of excellent, well-meaning letters, and the birthday cards (and telegrams) were meant to show Ruburt that he was regarded with affection and honor and not held up in scorn.

They were also meant to show appreciation for your work, jointly, when it seemed you needed it, and therefore to revive both of your spirits. The same applies to your guests, and particularly to the two young boys from the Sunday school, hopefully showing Ruburt that all conventional churchgoers were not closed-minded, but were also seeking out new knowledge.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

These were interruptions, and because of your attitudes you thought of them as troublesome interruptions: surely you would have sailed through your work otherwise, or performed chores that you wanted to accomplish; and so because you still do not really understand the effectiveness of Framework 2, those visits added to your sense of concern and hassles with time. Framework 2 knows of all of your purposes, as I have mentioned. The visitors took Ruburt’s mind off of his condition, provided new stimulus, provided reassurance, and allowed his body to continue its improvements.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:44.) It is obvious that Ruburt’s body is responding, and it is responding eagerly to the approaches you are now using, because it is dealing with the entire picture. The area at the right side of the back of the head, in Ruburt’s case, physically speaking, is a trigger point for motion. The blockage there, in those terms, has been largely responsible for the difficulties in locomotion, and for the eye difficulties as well. That area is finally in the process of releasing itself. The ligaments in the legs are responding beautifully, and as I said earlier, there is a give-and-take between the trunk and leg areas.

The neck area mentioned is also largely responsible for the arm angles and all of that is now beginning vital release. This is an overall body process, then, and you are both handling it now very well. It is quite natural that Ruburt becomes irritable at times. He should not pretend otherwise, for such irritability is short-lived, if expressed, and usually directly related to a particular difficulty in manipulation, or whatever.

Try to respond more clearly, each of you, to the moment, for you have a tendency otherwise not to see given events as clearly as you might otherwise. It should be obvious that comparatively speaking Ruburt feels quite well sometimes. He will be chatting, or yelling at his painting, or whatever. He is quite open often, say, to making love, as you know now, but earlier you colored your reaction to him often through the pessimistic cast that both of you had allowed to slip over your perceptions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The same sort of thing used to apply in a different way, but does no longer, when Ruburt would see you frown, for example, and would then ignore an obvious cheerful mood on your part, still interpreting your behavior in the light of the frown.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now: Ruburt himself hit upon the “heroic impulses”—and what he meant was this: that ideally speaking the individual’s impulses were inner directional signals that, followed, would automatically lead to the greatest fulfillment and development.

He thought of that term before our Framework 1 and 2 material, and his idea was that the impulses came from a part of the self that automatically knew the entire picture of the self’s environment and potentials. He was quite correct, for those impulses arise from the larger self’s immersion in Framework 2, and those impulses led Ruburt to his intuitive inspirations, experiences of psychic events, and to the books. When he becomes overly concerned about writing as work, or with psychic development as something he should do, then he tangles those impulses, and becomes worried that he will not be suitably inspired again.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment.... You are both apt to have rather absolute ideas at times. These sessions now are helpful. There is no reason, however, why in the future you cannot freely take a month off from sessions in order to quicken your work on “Unknown”. That would not mean, for example, that Ruburt was not using his abilities. As far as impulses are concerned, most likely Ruburt could have three or four excellent sessions a week at certain periods in your lives, and there would be periods of vacation also. Often, however, you both have a tendency there to think in black-and-white terms.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your joint determination is already building up bonuses in many areas, and by all means remember to keep up the personal contact you have begun together again. The suggestion “Help and inspiration are appearing at all levels of my experience,” can now again be used by Ruburt to good advantage.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I merely want to mention various possibilities that can offer advantages. Ruburt’s point of power is progressing well. You own attitude could hardly be better, as far as Ruburt is concerned, since we are not looking for saintly behavior (amused). Some definite decisions about guests, however, will relieve your minds, and allow you to work more freely. Remind yourself, again, of “Unknown’scompleted form, and if you do so its pattern will transpose itself upon your thoughts as you work, so that you will be tuning into its model in that respect.

Everything that I have said should further help Ruburt, so that he feels more at ease. Remember the use of the playful creative abilities, because again they can lead you to further ideas that would trigger unanticipated positive results in Ruburt’s condition, as per your chair idea, the table in the kitchen, and so forth.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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