1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session june 7 1978" AND stemmed:our)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(1. Does Jane’s inherently mystical nature give rise to conflicts with the non-mystical world she finds herself in this time around? She may be so different in basic ways from most of her fellow human beings that conflicts may be almost inevitable—at least until later in life, when the personality has learned what the situation is and can make adjustments. Jane said that she never thinks of mysticism, herself, yet I think such factors could operate easily enough in our world. My question is based upon the environment and situations she found herself in as she grew—not upon any questions about why she chose such circumstances in this life to begin with.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane has written down her feelings each day since we began the new program, and we’ve then discussed them. The system seems to be working very well. We also use the pendulum before bed, with very good results. She hasn’t walked a great deal lately, but our emphasis is now on trusting the body’s own wisdom as to when it wants to perform, and what it wants to do. We seem to know a new kind of peaceful understanding, at least to some degree. Jane reports a continuing series of physical changes throughout her body—from the legs and ankles to the shoulder blades, elbows, ribs, etc. As Seth remarked, nothing is tightening up.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
The paper Ruburt wrote was excellent. He should do a follow-up on it. For some insights in this area I would like to come through his own experience of direct feelings. The entire issue, however, involving both questions, I would like to save for our next session. Hopefully, Ruburt himself will have insights in the meantime that will make my material pertinent.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Your own ideas suited your temperament, but many of them did not particularly suit Ruburt’s. Again, I will elaborate on all of this at our next session.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Add to your question, to read before our next session, the implications of private creativity and public distribution of creative work. I will also have something to say about Ruburt’s own insights involving the secret aspects of his nature.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
I simply wanted to get the material started—get an early start for our next session. Continue your program, and when the suggestions have been pared down into a clearer kind of statement, then Ruburt should indeed—alone this time—read that material after lunch.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(We’ve already reorganized and condensed the morning suggestions, as Seth recommends our doing in this session, and find that they’re now much more effective. Jane has been sleeping well.)