1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session june 21 1978" AND stemmed:normal)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
For example, Ruburt might think “I must make up my mind, go out into the world, do lectures and tours, state my case, be an excellent example of the material, not only in normal physical condition but in glowing health.” or “I must stay at home, hide from the world, keep myself restrained lest I give into images of self-grandeur.” Either course, a true letting go of effort, leads to the realization that the impulses of the personality innately know if the self’s best paths. And only when someone begins to doubt those impulses and their validity do difficulties arise.
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The letting go of effort will indeed more and more release such desires. Ruburt has to a considerable extent largely disposed of the habit of negative projections, though he still catches some now and then. Except for the point of power, he has not actively promoted his desire to walk normally, and this was relatively wise, for as he begins to let go of effort he was not tempted to think of contradictions, as he might have had he more actively encouraged those desires.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]