1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session juli 26 1978" AND stemmed:bodi)
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(Before the session I explained that I didn’t think feelings of hopelessness had much to do with it, since if the background fears were dispensed with the body would automatically right itself, and those feelings would vanish. I asked Jane if she had given up using the typing table as a help in walking, and if so, why? She too expressed concern over the points mentioned here. At the same time, she said she’d felt pretty good today. I said I needed reinforcement myself over my fears about her condition, and she answered that she might have to initiate a program of walking with the table, soon, if she didn’t spontaneously start doing more walking.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
You yourselves, through following your impulses, changed your suggestions, and this was because the flow of experience directed you so that you followed the changes in Ruburt’s psyche. You are as good as anyone else (#1 of 11 suggestions): a simple enough statement, yet behind it there are other issues. Ruburt needs the free time, meaning relaxed time, in which to allow the body’s continued healing, and your new suggestions tuned into all of the reasons behind the slowness of progress, as it seems to you. The grim determination, for example, by itself tightened muscles.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Ruburt felt like neighborly contact several times earlier that day. He felt that you would go along, but on your own would prefer no company. That evening he followed his impulse. He felt proud of himself, at ease with the company, and he spoke of matters he considered important. A feeling of peace filled him as he enjoyed the evening, and he forgot his physical problems. The drinks did further aid in the relaxation—but there was a freedom of expression, a trust of the self, a concentration away from the body, and a self-acceptance.
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(10:15.) Give us a moment.... The arms and legs have been activated this week, the ankles and hands also. Ruburt has exercised often because separate portions of the body were ready for certain motions, while the overall balance for walking, for example, was not present, since various areas of the body were changing at different rates. There will be periods when he feels like walking often, and shortly, and they well may be followed by periods when separate portions of the body may want to be exercised, say, alone.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]