1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session juli 19 1978" AND stemmed:idea)

TPS4 Deleted Session July 19, 1978 7/30 (23%) trust building leisure impulses invigorating
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session July 19, 1978 9:27 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You wrote recently that to some extent or another your daily reality was being changed by your dream recall—an excellent point. Perhaps that idea can give you some glimmering of the ways in which the daily events of your readers’ lives are changed as a result of our sessions. They see the world differently, and in one way or another they communicate that difference to friends and associates. That is a kind of qualitative event that in its own way cannot be judged or ascertained, and it presents a certain kind of emotional evidence—a living knowledge—that is transmitted to others, and is in its way more valuable than any scientific treatise that might validate our work.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The acknowledgment of such impulses in the procedure just given will automatically help build Ruburt’s trust in himself, and it is a good idea for him to note such impulses, for later on certain occasions he will be able to see how such and such an impulse, followed on its own, led him to such and such a beneficial event—an event that at the time was completely invisible or unforeseen.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

All of these ideas can be put to excellent use now. Along with them, however, again, Ruburt should remember the playful, spontaneous attributes of the creative self. Preparing Oversoul Seven gives him a good point of concentration, yet beyond that he should allow himself the leisure and pleasure of playing with concepts, with poetry, and even with painting. I suggested you do the library together again for that reason—and your dream contest is good for that reason.

Your ideas (about seeing people), mentioned earlier, should definitely be acted upon—that is, you do both need some personal communication with others. Planned distractions (with amusement) of short duration, but more numerous than your present habit allows. Your work even requires that give-and-take with others. Only your habits and attitudes have prevented this, but the idea should be practically put to work.

The ideas I have just given will help Ruburt build up self-trust, and in the main that is all that is holding him back right now. The body is responding, and his trust is growing, but it must be built up considerably.

Your own attitude has been highly beneficial, and has helped him in countless instances. He enjoys it when you play with ideas, and this also stimulates his own activity. Many people do not trust themselves, of course. When you are building self-trust, and your body is in any way impaired, then you are learning to do something that you did not do when your body was operating beautifully.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Large or not, expensive or not, the room has only one window. He thought ahead of time that the size of the large window would more than compensate, but he carries some of his grandfather’s old ideas that the wind should be able to blow through a room so he has been uncomfortable there. That is the only answer I will give for now.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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