1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session januari 7 1978" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
You pulled from Framework 2 exactly what you wanted. Wanda also wanted to repay your old kindness. Frank, who was expected at noon, did not come until later, because unconsciously he was also aware that something of that nature was occurring. He brought you gifts that were replicas of ancient power sources.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
You are taught to question your motives, your behavior, your feelings, and everything but your beliefs. When you really believe disapproval to be a virtue, and you believe in virtue, then you obviously find yourselves in a position where the more you disapprove of yourself the better person you think you are—a contradiction of the most insidious nature, for how can you approve of a self you disapprove of?
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I have told you steadily that Ruburt has no disease. Diseases are simply groups of symptoms that you have categorized in certain orders to begin with. He approved of his mind. For many reasons given in earlier sessions, he related mentally. Nothing wrong in that. You both had exaggerated ideas, or distorted ones, about the nature of creativity, and about people who were creative, and you considered yourselves rightly as creative people.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]