1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session januari 21 1978" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
He felt himself to be a portion of the storm, however, and felt the storm as a vast magnification of his own emotional reality—even as he felt the body of the earth itself to be, beside itself, the magnification of his own emotional reality and that of others.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
I will give you some (stereotypes): Ruburt is stubborn. He never forgets a slight. Ruburt is fiercely loyal. Joseph deals in details. His mind is logical rather than intuitive. Ruburt is spontaneous. Joseph is not. All of these are labels, and quite relative. Ruburt is loyal to you. He was not loyal, in those terms, to Walter Zeh, or he would still be with him. Ruburt is spontaneous—but if he were all that spontaneous he would be walking better. You, Joseph, are spontaneous. You do not have to think before you cross the floor—where there Ruburt is aware of the slightest detail—the arrangement of his body or the furniture, the lay of the floor.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s entire body has stretched noticeably in the last week and a half, the legs in particular. He has implemented that stretching so that he is indeed taller walking. The lower back is becoming more elastic, and that allows for a greater loosening of the knees. Those back muscles are strong and vigorous, but they were tightened in order to hold this lowered pose (with gestures).
His eye muscles are basically elastic, not weakened. The fact that they are responding in closeup reading is a case in point. Many eye difficulties have to do with body posture. I suggested hot towels for the knees—and said that this would help the eyes. I repeat that recommendation. The position of the knees is tied into the positioning of the head and neck areas. The heat, applied to the knees when the body is sitting and relaxed, releases the neck tension, and that helps bring the eyes into better balance.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]