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TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 8/38 (21%) authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session August 28, 1978 9:32 PM Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(By way of reactions, we thought of improving our behavior in any such future encounters, insistently if necessary, and of preparing for them by informing would-be visitors that they’d have to read a selected list of books beforehand. We would add that the books alone would indicate how different our thinking was from the usual, and that the visitor wouldn’t find us agreeing with much of what they might want to say. Such an approach meant that we’d be hard to deal with, I suppose, but at least all would be forewarned.

(Ideas of authority as represented by Ed were obviously involved. Jane actually reacted better to some of the things he said than I did, to her credit, but I’m sure we can do much better. Half the problem is that we don’t see the people often enough to begin with. Even after all this time, then, we can still be caught unprepared.

(In connection with all of this, I came across the deleted session for December 18, 1974 while looking for something else yesterday. It fit in so well with the visit last Friday evening, concerning authority versus our interests, that I asked if Seth would comment on both the visit and that four-year-old session this evening.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Fellowship is important even to the animals, and your species is highly social. To be ostracized, for example, is no small matter. That is why individuals with ideas counter to the system band together in groups of all kinds, whether or not their particular ideas happen to agree with the group with whom they become affiliated. At least they are not alone. Often they form their own small authoritative structure. Within it certain ideas predominate that are taboo outside.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:52.) Now when you freely communicate ideas that are threatening or frightening, or even strange, to some extent you are attacking the heart of the authoritative structure. You are telling it to change, when all of its instincts, you see, are to maintain stability, and in your country, at least, that stability has been large enough and flexible enough so that you are being financially rewarded, to whatever degree, for promoting ideas that run counter to the deepest beliefs of that system.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

The Atlanteans, so-called for example, are supposed to be coming back now. All concepts and ideas in the first place, referring to a continuous forward progression of time distort all reincarnational experiences as a rule. It is almost impossible to describe some of what I know. Simple facts to me sometimes appear quite clearly in the material I give you—but then I perceive that the particular information escapes you completely. I can say that I traveled in Rome at about the time of Christ. To me there is no contradiction between that statement and the statement that the reality of that Rome is even now being affected by present, current concepts and beliefs. The past changes, even as in your terms, say, a river does—only the changes go out in all directions. Atlantis is as real as tomorrow is—and that is a loaded statement.

(10:23.) Give us a moment... When you speak of reincarnation, the past is usually considered, as you have yourself often noted. I told you that in certain terms this was the last life for each of you, your breaking-off points. But that does not mean there are not future lives in earthly terms for you. If all of your lives are looked at like a Ferris wheel, then this is the seat you are in when you get off, though some of the other boxes or seats may be labeled future or past.

In certain terms then, and following a given line of probabilities, in future lives you know the outcome of your work now, and you can also ask for advice from your future selves, who are very actively interested, since their reality is so involved with your own. If it were not for such facts, then again in certain terms these present sessions would not be held. Whenever you come into difficulties, it is because you are still relying upon Framework 1’s authority, in which normal cause and effect operates, in which problems are solved by exaggerating them, and in which magical changes or alterations are considered out of context to normal living. “Magical” changes happen all the time. Your very existence is proof of that, for it is a mystery to Framework 1’s understanding. Framework 1 looks to time, and particularly the past, as authority.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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