1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session august 2 1978" AND stemmed:energi)

TPS4 Deleted Session August 2, 1978 1/47 (2%) intellect apologetic intellectual Babbitt interview
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session August 2, 1978 9:44 PM Wednesday

[... 28 paragraphs ...]

For a while you altered your schedules. This shook you up a bit psychically, and freed some energy, and Ruburt did very well typing Seven. You broke up some habitual negative patterns, and gave yourselves some different viewpoints. These viewpoints were barely noticed, and yet they also resulted in a loosening of some mental patterns, simply because you did not automatically do certain things because it was a certain time of day.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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