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TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 8/35 (23%) solve compounds defects perfectionism problem
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session August 14, 1978 9:47 PM Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(1. Why did Jane have to start using the typing table as an aid in walking, approximately a year ago from last June, when before that she could get around without it? 2. Why did Jane have to start using the chair on wheels to get around the house, starting last May? To us this was a regression from using the table, let alone from walking without any aid. 3. What part have all the delays involving Volume 2 of “Uknown” Reality played in all of this?)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You are so immersed in that method of problem solving, however, that it comes back to haunt you. At least you can be aware of it and alert. I will give you the answers to your questions, but they are not the way to solve your problem—and against all conventional knowledge, reviewing the mistakes of the past does not lead to wisdom.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

He was hurt and angry, but instead of thinking “I will walk all right, and be impatient with you sometime.” he decided he would not be humiliated again, for he could no longer “pass” as normal.

You are compassionate toward others, and judge yourselves harshly. Ruburt felt he could not go out again until he could do so without embarrassing himself or you, and until he walked normally. If he walked all-right-enough in the house, however, then the time would come for another dentist visit or whatever. And he would have to go—so he would not walk that well in the house either—hence the table.

The fact is, neither of you wanted to appear on the street. You did not particularly want to be seen with Ruburt in his condition. You felt too sorry for him, and yet angry and embarrassed, and all of that was caused by concentrating upon the problem, projecting it in the future, in the definite belief, for all I have said, that that method of problem-solving works.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You both thought Ruburt should hide in the house. You were too proud to show your defects, because in your eyes such defects are so horrendous, and Ruburt’s condition becomes the symbol for all of man’s physical distress, in your eyes.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(10:35.) Have Ruburt use last week as a basic model of operation, while adding to it. You can help when you are feeling confident enough, by reminding Ruburt when you see that he is bothered, that his body is healing itself. All of this, in which left alone it seems natural that the body will always take the worst rather than the better course, and that any problems are to be solved by stressing them.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Against all that conventional wisdom, what I have said sounds extremely simple, simplistic, Pollyannaish, until you try to do it. To solve a problem you begin to minimize its characteristics, diminish its importance, rob it of your attention, refuse it your energy. The method is the opposite, of course, of what you are taught. That is why it seems to be so impractical.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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