1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session april 24 1978" AND stemmed:share)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt is beginning from his own position, and he is seeking the normal, free motion of his body. All of the equipment is there, and there are no disease elements. The body has not been used, however, in a normal manner. As mentioned, when bodybuilders build up certain muscles, they do indeed experience great distress at times. They understand the reason for the discomfort, for they are building muscle—but in their cases they often overdo it. Nevertheless there are others with whom they can share their discomfort.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Now: you are working very well together, and your suggestion about the use of the chair (to get around the house) was the result of Framework 2 creativity. It took Ruburt a day or so to accept it. He was afraid of wheelchair connotations, but he triumphed over that negative idea. Your suggestion was important for several reasons. It was practical, and could be done at once. Its most important benefit, however, was that it freed Ruburt from mentally seeing himself in only one corner of one room, and immediately aroused his normal leanings toward love of whatever home you share.
[... 36 paragraphs ...]