1 result for (book:tps3 AND session:758 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
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(10:44.) You live in a safe universe.
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The identity of any structure is dependent upon its parts, and yet the parts are also dependent upon the structure. In those terms the body is a safe universe, self-regulating. The urge toward self-fulfillment at all levels, cellular to “self-conscious,” is a part of the entire structure. Obviously the physical world itself attains its organization through a staggering cooperation. “Reality” agrees with you. The physical universe always cooperates. It follows those beliefs of yours, for you physically mold your experience with the universe according to your beliefs about it.
Ruburt said somewhere “Sometimes you lean into the universe, and feel it give.” It is indeed yielding. It is not against you, nor is the world. Some centuries ago, to develop your particular kind of consciousness, the race separated nature from the self for operating purposes. Mankind “competed” against nature, which was to be conquered, so the universe seemed to be a threatening place. In the same way, society seemed no longer to be a group of cooperative individuals, of creatures gathered together; but it became an alien, outside force, threatening the individual as much as it supported him.
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The world of mores also “gives,” however. It also yields; despite all appearances, it is also safe. You are each gradually leaving the official level of consciousness behind, in that its beliefs no longer serve as your criteria of reality.
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The exterior improvements are the result of inner body workings, and they represent the growth of his inner confidence. You have been of great help, as you also learn to adjust. There will be some definite, beneficial changes in walking—but a gradual change so that no strain is put upon one part of the body or another. You cannot equivocate. Body consciousness itself is awakening, and this will add to his own perception. The body is flexibility and health is a natural result of alterations of consciousness—a change of focus that literally brings about new experience.
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(11:14.) He can expect a further easing in the head and neck areas. He first applied tension in those areas. Physically the condition resulted there. He should continue going to the bathroom as he has. Extremely valuable, since he consciously initiated an action that before he put off. I now suggest no more than five minutes a day of deep breathing, simply from here (stomach), to be added. He began this by holding his breath, affecting the sinuses and tightening the whole head, neck, and shoulder areas. The breathing exercise will simply accelerate his improvement. He is breathing better, though he does not realize it —and this has helped in circulation.
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