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TPS3 Deleted Session September 29, 1975 10/53 (19%) unsafe affiliations safe newly insecurity
– The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session September 29, 1975 9:35 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(After supper Jane began experiencing a profound, heavy, liquid, watery and supportive kind of relaxation throughout her right side from head to toe. Then her left side became involved to some degree. She told me she felt cushioned and supported, and my estimate was that she was undergoing an increase in circulation, along other things, and that it was all to the good. She looked wet-eyed, bleary, half-asleep, sitting on the couch. I thought she’d probably not have a session, but eventually she decided to after we had talked it over. Her decision was very fortunate. She also knew of my questions about counterparts that I’d come up with as a result of my work on The “Unknown” Reality: were Jane and I counterparts; and, to resolve a contradiction—in two different sessions in that book, were George Rhoads and I counterparts, or weren’t we? Jane was somewhat “out of it”, or better, by session time.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

All of this incidentally involves the same amazing discrimination that is used in the organization of any physical symptoms, so that specific purposes are met.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

All of this is occurring because he is beginning to understand that you do indeed live in a safe universe. The body’s condition followed precisely as I said it would when last I discussed it. You can expect, then, continuing improvement following the patterns just given. The cushioning of muscles and joints will allow first for easier motion and easier walking—that is, without such inner gratings.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt has recently used the suggestion “Infinite intelligence leads me and guides me in all my ways.” If you thoroughly understood what that means then you do indeed live and experience a safe universe. Your pendulum will give you the specific reasons for any difficulties, but behind these ever-changing reasons is always the sense of insecurity you feel when you believe the universe is against you to whatever degree. It works with you when you let it, and you attract to yourself all of those conditions that are cooperative to your ventures.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Your own annoying physical symptoms have been caused largely because of the matters just mentioned—either worry over “Unknown” Reality, or painting, or Ruburt. Beneath it all, however, is the insecurity resulting from passé beliefs in the unsafeness of the universe.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

When you find yourself at all in any kind of physical discomfort, quietly remind yourself that you do indeed believe you live in a safe universe—and this will remind the body, and allow it to relax.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

This sends out what you want. Think of all of the unknown elements cooperating to help bring about that creation. Then your visions will be physically actualized. You will be doing something constructive to bring them about. The method is unbeatable, and is the way to actualize any kind of really creative venture.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause at 10:50.) I know the contours of your minds and consciousnesses far better than you may imagine. It is time when all of your efforts suddenly bear fruit, when inner techniques have been practiced, and suddenly click into focus and actuality. So you are at such a springboard when your understanding does propel you into a quantum leap of understanding. Later it seems simple. This can be compared to what you said to Ruburt concerning your paintings today—only instead life is involved. It is the painting that is suddenly simple.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(One-minute pause at 11:15.) Again, this is difficult to explain.... (One-minute pause, eyes closed.) Because you did succeed, our relationship was inserted into the past. Time constantly expands in all directions and along every conceivable point. Nothing vanishes. (Long pause.) The idea of counterparts was meant to lead you beyond time-oriented reincarnational ideas.

Now in one context those ideas are valid, but they are also deceiving—because your present focus will determine which reincarnational episodes you become aware of (intently). In that context, two lives in one century, overlapping, seem contradictory, but I tell you all along that you live many lives at once.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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