1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session novemb 3 1975" AND stemmed:view)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
The book will stand along with Ruburt’s own Aspect Psychology, serving to give demonstrations in the operation of the psyche itself as different parts of it view the reality that you know, and an inner reality that is sometimes so much more difficult for you to perceive.
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
To whatever extent, each of you in your way grew up in the belief system of your times. Ruburt is doing a complete turnabout. After years of relating to his body in one way, he is changing that relationship. You have been taught to follow certain rules. These said that you ate at certain times, slept at certain times, followed certain patterns because these were important. You were not taught to stress individual inclinations or leanings or characteristics, but to view any deviations as alarming. It seems highly impractical in that system of belief to tell an individual that he or she knows the best patterns of behavior to follow, to suggest that each person knows how much sleep he or she needs, or that left alone you will pick a correct diet—a diet geared to you. Instead it seems that there must be an overall diet suited for human beings in general, or a sleep pattern best for the race at large.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]