1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session novemb 26 1975" AND stemmed:me)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(From 9:00 to 9:30 tonight, at my suggestion, Jane and I sat to see if we could get Jane into her library. We also sent energy to her knees. During this period she had a variety of subjective experiences, and is dealing with some of them in notes of her own. They included a projection through the eastern wall of our living room, and a “visitor” who returned with her; the Latin title of a book; her awareness of a third eye; some material, with diagrams, of me as a monk who wrote manuscripts in an underground chamber that he later sealed; a vision of Seth in a brown robe, looking as I’ve painted him—but the brown robe was “too easy,” Jane said suspiciously. Jane also did succeed in approximating entry into her library; her own notes will cover this.
(She wrote down the “Latin” book title as best she could: Enada Inaventum [Deus ?].The E could possibly be either an I or an A. Then at 10:10 she told me the translation of the title would be Spiritual Adventures. At 10:15 she elaborated; the title would be The Spiritual Adventures of a Monk at Large.
(“That would be the way we’d interpret it,” she said. “And whoever came back with me from my projection is standing over there—” and she pointed to our front door. “I’m not sure, but maybe the Spiritual Adventures thing is connected with you when you were doing those manuscripts; maybe you wrote it....”
(This note added in 2003: Jane died in 1984. In 2003 a friend, Jeff, used a Latin dictionary to check her book title. She had been close: “Enodo means to explain; Inventum—discovery; Deus—God.” Was the monk Nebene—me when I was a very strict teacher of the children of rich Romans in first-century A.D. Italy? I should have asked Seth. In volume 2 of Personal Sessions see the Nebene material in the deleted session of July 17, 1972.
(When she took a break Jane also received the first line of a poem, she told me when she came back into the living room. She didn’t think it was very good: “The psyche turns itself to atone, and in the earth’s service is it pressed.” She added that the first word of the next line was “Distilled.”
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt travels in the heroic dimensions, and the library exists there. There are rhythms to the psyche, and to your own relationship, with Ruburt, and with me. He often looks to you for signals, as you look to him for signals at other times. (Long pause.) Much of this is put in terms that you can understand. It must be in your language—your neurological language. There are languages that do not fit that pattern (intently). It is easy for you to think in terms of messages taking centuries to pass through space with your technology. In those terms only, some messages can take centuries to pass through the psyche—that greater psyche that straddles the eons.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]