1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session march 15 1976" AND stemmed:polici)
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You then begin to anticipate further distractions. When a so-called distraction at one time is welcomed at another time, then obviously it is no distraction, but expresses a need. You went to the bank today because you thought you should, going against your feelings. You went with your feelings about Maria (Clodes), but this caused you difficulty instead of enjoyment because of the bank. Such a policy would allow you an automatic way of making such decisions, would clear the air, and give you each a far more exuberant flow of energy.
(10:25.) Spontaneity knows its own order. The creative self is the most spontaneous of all. There are hidden rhythms of creativity that you do not take advantage of, and I am not speaking here to you (RFB) alone. They become overlaid with cultural habits. The suggestions I have made will help release these, and allow you to utilize them. It is rather silly to see people every Friday night on schedule unless that policy suits you. It is silly, however, in the same way to force yourself to concentrate at a time when you really yearn for activity. As it is, you often feel guilty whether you work or play, so to speak. Obviously you may not each feel the same way at the same time, but if you clearly communicate your feelings to each other, that is no problem. The material is valuable if you use it. It represents a way of handling your energy that is native to your own being, and permits creativity its easiest, most natural flow.
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The few distractions of any vital nature then can be handled. They will be minute. When you feel like shopping or seeing people, then do so just as freely. The air will be cleared. You will have a decent policy to follow—and there is none better because it will be dictated by your own individual nature.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Naturally concentration becomes difficult. The decisions you make often seem wrong because you are trying to apply artificial decisions over initial decisions of feeling that you override. These suggestions will give you, again, a clearing. It is a policy that you have not, either of you, really tried.
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