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TPS3 Deleted Session March 13, 1974 4/44 (9%) method winter housework astrology overcome
– The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session March 13, 1974 9:25 PM Wednesday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Riding the creative energies in that manner, you see, would allow him to recognize his own rhythm, flow and ebb. When his mind was tired it would automatically signal the body to physical activity, walks, changed environment, and so forth. The point of such a suggestion however rests in writing freely. When he is writing and also thinking that he should go for a walk then the conflicts arise more strongly. He knows that he wants to be writing. The conflict itself then prevents the follow-through thrust, so that he does not feel the natural relaxation that would follow, or the natural resulting desire for activity.

Give us a moment.... It is important however to realize that to some extent he feels that long hours of writing are now wrong, because of the physical condition in which he finds himself. Now for a moment, tell him to imagine himself, generally speaking, well. If he wrote, steadily even, and did not go out for two or three days he would not think that there was anything wrong in that—nor would there be. When the stint was over he would feel perhaps a strong burst of physically directed energy, and want to clean the house or go for walks.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(10:03.) You were quite correct in your assessment of Monday night—about Ruburt being determined to use his abilities; and also in the balance that is being more or less maintained. There are however definite points of both additional energy, and therefore insights available at different times. There are too many reasons to be given in this session, but they apply generally to each individual, having to do with the nature of the psyche’s “initial” entry into your system. I am hinting here of connections with astrology, though certainly not with the astrology currently known.

For Ruburt, spring and fall are periods when all of his energy rouses at a highly creative level, and insights are particularly valuable at such times. The period before an individual’s birth is enacted again symbolically, but in new ways, each year. The seeking toward birth is a spiritual stimuli that is then re-enacted, but in new creative ways: so that Ruburt in winter, particularly in late winter, is on the one hand working toward new births of energy and creativity; and on the other is aware of the very need for such new birth, that would be implied in a before-birth situation.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

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