1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session june 27 1977" AND stemmed:belief)

TPS3 Deleted Session June 27, 1977 12/90 (13%) expression love verbally stomach unrealistic
– The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session June 27, 1977 9:43 PM Monday

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Popular novelists and writers are above all things people of their times. They are socially oriented, dealing with lively discourse. They cannot see beyond the times. As a rule, however, they enjoy people as people are. They enjoy stupid people, wicked people, cowardly people, bigoted people, and sometimes wise people too. They do not make demands. They share the belief systems of their times, and they are richly rewarded—generally speaking, now—for there is overall no great conflict between their natural works, their writing, and the world at large.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The world responds to such people’s acceptance. Obviously escapism is involved—but at certain levels of interaction the beliefs smoothly flow from creation to market. No great challenges are presented, and no real condemnations; and when these do occur they are of a conventional nature, perhaps already stylish accusations. They are part and parcel of the social world.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

The society is supporting you. It is accepting your work, and in your terms—those terms that exist because of your beliefs and your attitudes. The books are being read, though you do not go on tours. You do not play any of the games, and you do not have a healthy give-and-take with that society. You are ahead of the times, and behind them—yet through the point of power you affect those times. You change them.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You are particularly sensitive here because of the male beliefs of your culture, and the feeling that Ruburt’s books are his rather than, say, yours. You want to show him that you appreciate that by your concern, but you do not express the love verbally half as much. Period.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt’s work straddles all these issues—that is, it involves all of them at different times. Your stomach problem is basically the result of your feelings about what you consider to be a lack of communication, a blocking of your natural love. From your background, regardless of your intellectual beliefs, now, you learned to mask your expressions of love or exuberance, lest they be misunderstood. You learned to express love through worry or concern.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

Your father expected the worst of the world. You have not seriously, with determination, examined those beliefs. If they were true the world simply would not have lasted this long. Nuclear destruction has little to do with it. If anything, it adds to my argument—for if those theories really held sway, one nation or another by now would have already destroyed your world. Hence, you do not make any simple, joyful remarks, like “The book will be out in England or Germany,” and indeed, you take little pleasure from that, but leap ahead to the imagined threats. A man protects his family because he loves it—but in his love he can see threats all around.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Part of this does have to do with beliefs concerning sex (as Jane wrote recently), in that he feels a woman’s position is basically less solid than the male’s to begin with. He was afraid that his ideas would be ridiculed because he was a woman, not having the credentials of the accepted academy or sex.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Your own inclinations and your beliefs did not reinforce his sense of security. The exuberant expression of your love, for your love for him is exuberant, found no expression in the overall of an active, direct, clear route, but was diverted through concern, and through mention of the threats you felt might surround him.

You do not expect the world to understand good work. You expect the artist, in whatever field, who is truly good, to be shunted aside. Your own hopes rise despite those beliefs, and have worked for you. But you have felt jointly that it was unsafe to trust the world; unrealistic; and while you could maintain a mental isolation, Ruburt adopted a physical one.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The fibers are more elastic in his legs, but his confidence is still poor, nor have you made any attempts to encourage him in that direction. The key here is encouragement. The expression of your love saw threats, so that both of you together reiterate those beliefs.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The muscles of the neck have been lengthening, and the head area has been releasing. Generally speaking, his eyes have been restricted in the past by the head motions. As the neck muscles began to loosen, the eyes were required to move in ways they had not been for some time. The muscles were stiff in the eyes. Unequal tensions resulted—this also having to do with his beliefs as stated, and the fact that he did not want to type old material, particularly without new material coming.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You did well today, encouraging him in his house walking. Your original “walk for joy” was an “absolute” by contrast making his attempts seem futile. He is afraid that dependence as a woman threatens you because of his own beliefs. Your encouragement of his independence was interpreted as “Don’t dare be dependent.”

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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