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TPS3 Deleted Session July 23, 1977 10/35 (29%) confidence anxiety Carroll ingrained behavior
– The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session July 23, 1977 9:33 PM Saturday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt was quite instantly aware of his own reaction, and the several hours it took him to regain some sense of confidence. He gives himself however the same kind of suggestion often, when perhaps it is not so obvious, and you also act in the same manner. Such behavior is the result of ingrained learning, and also of fear patterns that are the result of medical beliefs in particular.

In the past, improvements did not “take” for a long-enough period to produce desired results, because of your own lacks of confidence—Ruburt in particular and you secondarily. If you do trust the body and its wisdom, then you trust it. I will try to clear up such issues as they arise. For now you must take it for granted that such conditions will exist.

Do not try to hide from them. Whether they are the result of your own behavior or the behaviors of others, use them creatively, and as they are tackled such instances in the future will be minimal.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As mentioned, those areas are being released. During his nap, further important release took place, but it was accompanied by uncomfortable sensations with his eyes. The resulting release of muscular tension was definitely obvious to him, and reflected not only in the neck or head area, but also in the important knee areas, and traveling to the ankles.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Many of the sensations or stages that are definitely considered negative at such times, and certainly appear so in your experience, are the result of misunderstandings because of ingrained beliefs about body behavior, or the result of your lack of confidence. When that continues, the improvements, which are often considerable, appear invisible—or, again, you do not trust them. Further anxiety results.

This must be worked through now, and it can be if you both exert your creativity and daring in that direction. There is nothing wrong with Ruburt’s thyroid. The feeling in the knees is most encouraging, and represents the new activity of joints coming to life again, as the result of the new responsiveness of those neck ligaments.

Ruburt’s reading is improving. And that is the result of the very releases that for example during his nap so frightened him.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now.... The girls’ behavior points out the importance of suggestion as it operates in a negative way. Most suggestions are relatively invisible. They are the result of body language, smiles or frowns, muscular attitudes—but you live surrounded by a psychological environment of suggestion. You have each your ways of expressing to the other silent attitudes of hopelessness or happiness. The return to the natural moment can be used quite effectively, but not if you constantly reinforce your lacks of confidence.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(10:12.) Give us a moment.... Ending our material for Ruburt and yourself, I want you both to arouse your own creative daring, and dare to believe that the body does know what it is doing, even if at times you must admit your own confusion, or even dismay, because that dismay is usually the result of your misunderstanding of events.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

However, it is the belief that reincarnations are past that largely closes the door. Those futures in your terms so affect the present, however, that vast confusion would result with any mass knowledge. Yet many inventions occur in a strange fashion, as men do at times travel into their own futures and bring back the memory of, say, gadgets existing there, which then in this life they “invent.”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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