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TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 9/41 (22%) fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic
– The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session July 11, 1977 9:33 PM Monday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Comment: now: for all of the fanatic’s display of energy, he feels basically powerless. To your not-so-silent gallery group in New York, for example, you have the power, which may surprise you in some of your querulous moods—but you have the format, the attention, that such people envy and resent.

I said before that no man acts out of the desire to be evil, but has always justified to himself his actions precisely by his own “good” intent. If envy is felt it is not acknowledged. The religious area in general, from time immemorial, has dealt intensely and sometimes one-mindedly with “the good ideal.” That ideal, however, different in one area than in another, was usually self-righteously applied with a vengeance and fanatical zest, so that all things outside it were seen as evil.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Topside, those people see themselves as a tiny group crying in the wilderness, unrecognized, unheeded, prophets to whom no one will listen. To some extent the murderer in whom they are so interested (Son of Sam) sees himself in the same light. These are pseudo-intellectuals all, murderer included—people with some abilities, however, but pretenders to crowns. They are seeking for a positive cause to rally about, but their beliefs and self-deceptions make this impossible.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

At your level it is perfectly all right if you want to call those people nincompoops or asses. In those terms they deserve it. It is not all right to imagine that their kind speaks for the hostile world, or that they represent the views of many people. I am speaking now of this particular group. The homosexual episode mentioned the other day does represent a considerable number of people, in one way, for it shows them their own ideas, but exaggerated.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Nerves are stimulated so that the areas of the body become more alive and responsive to energies that can be overlooked in the face of cultural or secondary events. Few threats are directly physical in comparison with all of the imagined or actual social or cultural ones. The body is usually not fighting for its life. If secondary threats are concentrated upon, however, the body dares not relax. The reflexology greatly awakens the body, and is beginning to dissolve the physical armor.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Body communication is astounding—that is, the instant body communication is astounding—the instant acknowledgement in the far reaches of the body of any stimulation. The quickening sensations Ruburt has felt have to do with the quicker passage of neuronal messages as the nerves are stimulated. It is the willingness to be so stimulated that is all important.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Remember the point of power. Don’t let the information fade. Use it. The tissues of Ruburt’s body are softening. Remember what I said about improvements, so that you trust them. All of this is highly important.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:42.) Give us a moment.... I am hopefully leading you along a road, and I believe that you have each examined your beliefs more lately than you have in some time. Ruburt’s condition is definitely reversible. That fact follows all of the other information I have ever given you philosophically. Your individual and joint feelings about threat have to one extent or another made Ruburt believe that he needed that protection.

We are trying to undermine all of the reasons behind the condition. You must, however, realize that it is reversible. Ambiguity everywhere surrounds you, so that it can seem that few issues are clear-cut, or can be directly acted upon, and in those areas your experience of course confirms those beliefs. You have each been afraid to really exert all of your energies to rid yourselves of this problem.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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