1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session januari 19 1976" AND stemmed:one)
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Until an individual gains enough confidence in the concept of a safe universe, he or she will hang on to many of those attitudes. They are disturbing because at one stage they are only felt but not understood for what they are. If you are convinced that your world is not safe then it seems sensible to protect yourself in questionable areas by expecting the worst so that you will be prepared. Unfortunately such expectations, of course, are disadvantageous. They have, however, a strong basis in your society from childhood up. “Wear a sweater or you will catch a cold.” A simple enough suggestion, it seems, a preventive measure. Yet in that innocent remark lies the assumption that the cold can be expected rather than, say, a normal state of health.
There are all kinds of like suggestions, all meant as preventive measures, but based upon the idea that ill fortune can be most likely expected, and means must be taken to avoid it. In many ways, and important ones, the two of you managed to avoid many complications encountered by others because of such measures. Until very recently, however, Ruburt did not recognize that he often placed the worst kind of connotations upon, for example, his own condition, or behavior in certain manners. This was invisible because the pattern still made sense. Your talk about the dentist did trigger such recognition.
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(10:29.) Ruburt becomes worried when he thinks of the many people who write or call, asking for help. You are in the middle of a learning process. Objective answers given to people are not true answers. Questions that help individuals search into their own experience can bring out answers that literally cannot be given. You cannot write psychic prescriptions, for then you begin to structure inner experience. You are traveling yourselves out of an unsafe universe into a safe one. There are steps along the way. Ruburt’s are observable. The race tries to improve the quality of its experience through probing different kinds of probabilities. In a way each individual tries a different course for himself and for the race as a whole.
The body has a certain shape. It is maintained more or less as a species develops. Yet each change or alteration in the physical species is the result of many individuals trying out a particular biological course, which then later in your terms becomes the accepted one. In those terms the species has dealt mainly with physical manipulation. Largely unsuspected, however, the mind has been literally assimilating data at an accelerating rate. Each individual experience adds to inner social comprehension. The inner overall consciousness of the species then makes decisions way before any alteration occurs in physical reality. The species can decide to change its course, and set certain actions into history that will change the future, seemingly against all probabilities apparent at the time. This is occurring.
(10:42.) At one time man did not know about the existence of any country outside of his own. Now he lives on land and travels across the oceans and in the air. There are other psychological mediums, however, other lands of the mind that will open up experience far more than seems possible.
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I spoke of many minds in our last book session. Esoteric literature has mentioned various levels of reality, numbered and named them. These refer, however, to man’s other minds. They represent other kinds of mental experience, in which reality is organized differently. Identity itself is put together in another fashion. I could have said that one mind had many variations, but then you would still try to understand the concept using your old ideas about identity itself. You grow out of identities, and into others, all the while retaining an indestructible portion that does the changing. You do not discard a self as you might throw off a coat, but you do have a wardrobe of selves. This happens even in the life you know and recognize, even though you do everything possible to exaggerate the similarities and minimize the differences, so that you always seem to be the self that you have always known.
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The more unsafe the world is felt to be, then the more important protection is, and the more threatening, expression. Repression becomes the order of the day. The species however will always react against repression, no matter what its source, and so will the individual. On the whole the species is beginning to change its psychological sense of selfhood. There are periods in history when this happened before, and a new kind of civilization resulted. The earliest Jewish traditions represent one such change. The beginning period of the Egyptian civilization another, the birth of Christ another, and the beginning of the scientific age.
In each, man pursued different kinds of focuses. Individual life, religion, culture, politics, were each vastly different in each period, the concept of the self profoundly different in one era and another. This is something not at all understood.
The world, however, was seen as unsafe to one degree or another in each. Each era set up various methods meant to protect man against the environment itself, or against the gods. In terms of physical existence man’s consciousness has not progressed enough along the path it had chosen, so that it could afford to admit the oneness of inner and outer reality.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]