1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session januari 19 1976" AND stemmed:condit)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
There are all kinds of like suggestions, all meant as preventive measures, but based upon the idea that ill fortune can be most likely expected, and means must be taken to avoid it. In many ways, and important ones, the two of you managed to avoid many complications encountered by others because of such measures. Until very recently, however, Ruburt did not recognize that he often placed the worst kind of connotations upon, for example, his own condition, or behavior in certain manners. This was invisible because the pattern still made sense. Your talk about the dentist did trigger such recognition.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s condition has vacillated through the years, yet always contained within it the great thrusts toward health, and the improvements. These did not become official, meaning they did not triumph. Neither did their evidence disappear. The habit patterns, the attitudes, connected with the unsafe universe persisted, even as Ruburt became aware of the concept. Individually, however, in those terms he is well ahead of the species’ development.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Personally, Ruburt understands however that he exaggerated the negative elements of his condition, thinking that he was being realistic. He did not realize that before. When you look at the world and interpret its condition in the same way, you end up in an impossible situation as a people, for your learned coping mechanisms themselves reinforce the situation.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]