1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session januari 10 1977" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 39 paragraphs ...]
The whole issue involving shoveling snow or mowing the grass also involves your ideas of time. And conflicts of beliefs, as well as other conventionalized concepts that quite override your natural love of physical bodily activity.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
You have been straddling levels of consciousness, in other words, so that the events of your lives have shown gaps that we want to close. Please understand that these gaps are also the results, partially, of certain achievements—as your conflicts about taxes could not have existed years ago. That is simply a small example. When you began to expand your ideas of reality, you naturally attached them to goals that you held earlier, and tried to make them fit. Some of those goals were quite worthy, but carried beliefs along with them that were detrimental.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt began to allow only psychic experiences that could be translated also—not primarily, you see—but also into financial productivity. You also wanted to wed your abilities in the same manner. You felt you could not afford free creative work. Ruburt felt that creative work could pay. Because of your ideas about time and creative work you felt that painting could not pay. Ruburt tricked you quite cleverly into doing the sketches for Dialogues—for your own good, he felt, and you did not enjoy the experience, allowing your beliefs to contaminate your creativity. You do not feel the world deserves creative work. Yet you have a nature that demands that you produce it.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Your joint attitudes are particularly important, for they involve your stance in the world. Your attitudes toward people are jointly vital, and the inner mobility must flow on both of your parts. The sessions began because of your private natures, yet to some extent the books make you publicly known. Your conventionalized ideas of psychics, both of you, are troublesome. I hope to clear those up.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]