1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session august 22 1977" AND stemmed:paint)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
When you were a boy and went off by yourself to draw, your mother often acted rejected. She was pleased—with your talent, per se, but she was jealous of you. At times you felt as a child that painting, or rather drawing, hurt her, and that also she might retaliate by withholding her support in other areas. You also used the drawing and your talent to some degree as a method of exerting your own independence from her oftentimes smothering love. You were told in so many words that it was selfish of you to spend so much time by yourself, for often even when you were with Loren (my younger brother), for example, you carried a circle of your own intent about you.
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s body is becoming more alive. You have been, in some respects, psychically as tired as he was physically. As things now stand, his body is spasmodically jolting itself into new life, and responsiveness. As it does you will psychically follow suit. Your love for each other is coming to new fruition, and that, sensed by each of you, will give you an even greater impetus, for Ruburt creatively and physically; and for you this will bring about real breakthroughs in your painting and in your writing.
[... 28 paragraphs ...]