1 result for (book:tps3 AND heading:"delet session august 20 1977" AND stemmed:one)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Seth considered the first two questions but not the third one; I didn’t realize this until the session was over. We were visited by Sheri, Jerry, and Roni at 8:33 PM this evening; they stayed an hour or so, hence the late start for this evening’s session. Sheri called at 8 PM, having just arrived at the Bankers’ from NYC. She wanted to tell us about class in NYC, etc. Although we wanted to see her, we found ourselves caught in the old dilemma about visitors conflicting with plans we’d already made— i.e., the session tonight. Half our problem, we saw in a discussion before the guests arrived, was that we had no planned response for such situations: we ended up feeling guilty at saying no, and resentful at saying yes. As it was, we sat for the session, with a resolve to try to do better next time. We do make progress in such affairs as visitors, expected or not expected, but could do much better.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
The impetus toward creativity is a loving one, and the natural processes in both body and mind as lovingly directed.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
One day in the bathroom Ruburt found his knees and toes impulsively moving rather quickly together, up and down, elevating him with some spontaneous ease. This was to some extent the same kind of sign. On other occasions portions of his body will move with nearly normal speed—another sign of the body’s intent.
All of these will be put together. To some extent, however, some synchronization has escaped you. Ruburt walks, as far as he is concerned, with less hassle, even while considerable changes are occurring. The steps to the garage are no longer dreaded. His performance is better there. His sitting down is far easier. Some of his gestures are quicker. The body gives its signs of intent, however. You can see where it is going if you pay attention. It will show signs, then, more and more of that nature—a sudden, far-better-than-usual performance. Perhaps simply of one group of muscles, or one new motion.
(Jane has experienced many such signs recently. We’ve been aware for some time of her ease in sitting and getting up; the garage steps phenomenon is a more recent one; she negotiated those much more easily today.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
(11:14.) Give us a moment.... The teeth move about, the loose ones, as the jaw changes its positions. He may lose the loose ones in that procedure. If he can hold confidence, however, they can then stabilize in slightly different positions, and hold firm enough for practical purposes.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
There is some overall general improvement, which I want you to note. There will be, however—my next forecast (humorously)—sudden excellent performances, usually of an isolated nature, of one portion of the body or another, with a less noticeable but definite continuation of overall improvement.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s idea for the future is a good one—seeing those who officiate at such groups (Seth classes). You make your own reality, but you cannot ignore the greater reality from which your world springs. Even those people, therefore, who deny the validity of anything but the most materialistic philosophy, sometimes dream unmaterialistic dreams, and in their unguarded moments they sense the greater source from which their materialistic world springs.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
You wondered, really, if such a reality were possible, and if some people were really so blind—but the inner self provides certain safeguards, and the universe is a caring one, so that even those people are given some inner version.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]